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  • Users: Kiats
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  1. Kiats

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    The W2 Ultra had landed at Jaben SG yesterday. :) @Uncle Wilson sent it across. Been enjoying it. Also trying it out with the LP WY1 interconnect with external battery.
  2. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    Just sharing the English page of the user manual so it can be seen the features that are available on the W2U. :)
  3. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    I do enjoy the Focal Utopia with Tune 01, which is described as being softer, gentler.
  4. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    The W2U actually has sound profiles for the following IEMs/Headphones: Xelento, IE800S, SE846, IER Z1R, IER M9, IE900, IE600, Trialli Ti, N5005, HD800 and Utopia.
  5. Kiats

    SAEQ Appreciation & Impressions Thread

    Yes, it does sound like a grounding issue. I recall @aleksandar R.had some advice on one of the threads. Are both your DAC and amps on the same power outlet?
  6. Kiats

    Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W1 and W2 (The new W2-131 Version is Available, Related Info on Post #1)

    Nice surprise package from @Uncle Wilson of JabenSG this afternoon. :) Some simple unboxing photos.
  7. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    Nice surprise package from @Uncle Wilson of JabenSG this afternoon. :) Some simple unboxing photos.
  8. Kiats

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Nice review! Interesting observation about the SC2 cable. Will try that in due course. :)
  9. Kiats

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Well... there was lotsa hate when the OG Sus came out too. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Kiats

    Eletech Cables Official Impressions & Discussions Thread

    It has been a slightly intense week. Now to have some time with good music. Chilling with the Sonnet of Adam paired with FitEar DC Ti. Off the rare Luxury & Precision LP6 Platinum JP Edition, Sony 1AM2 using the WY1 cable.
  11. Kiats

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Spending a lazy Saturday with the LP6 Platinum and the FitEar DC Ti/Eletech Sonnet of Adam. :)
  12. Kiats

    Shanling ET3 - Dedicated Digital CD Transport, With USB Drive and Wi-Fi Support

    I think it was made clear from the outset that USB output does not support upsampling. @Shanling can reiterate. See also '
  13. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    There's a new video about the W2U that @Uncle Wilson of Jaben SG put up:
  14. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    For those closer to Asia, @Uncle Wilson from Jaben SG is also open for pre-orders:
  15. Kiats

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    After a week of the Immanis primarily on the Armageddon, with some short time with the HSA-1C and Hyperion Ge, today I set up the Schitt Jot R and took the Immanis for a spin on it with the 8 foot Deluxe cable. I have just started but I will confess that I am surprised. The Jot R has always...
  16. Kiats


    Very much so! Once you have learnt the ways in which it can be set and you have experimented with what works best with you, they are unbeatable. :)
  17. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    There is a new post by LP on the W2U on weibo: [translation: The headline article was published: "[Answer to the burning friend's question] Thrust false...
  18. Kiats

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Different strokes for different folks. But I do love how the gold Immanis looks with the SAEQ Armageddon. :)
  19. Kiats

    Small & Powerful: Luxury & Precision (LP) Portable USB DAC/AMP W2Ultra

    New post on weibo on 8th July 2024:
  20. Kiats

    SAEQ Appreciation & Impressions Thread

    Big shout out to @Uncle Wilson of Jaben SG for getting me the new interconnects from SAEQ! Made by Dragan @Proxima Centauri
  21. Kiats

    SAEQ Appreciation & Impressions Thread

    thanks for sharing, Dragan! Good to see posting here! :)
  22. Kiats

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    In respect of the Immanis, I guess people do latch on to less favourable impressions from shows done by a couple of folks. But against that are the chaps on the two RAAL 1995 thread who have had the Immanis (and Magna) for extended periods. The early adopters. Thus far, the views have been...