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  1. Red Jacket Mike

    Does anyone own the Wyred4sound DAC 2?

    I've been reading lots of reviews and checking prices here on Head-Fi, and elsewhere, and I've finally decided to send my 4-year old DAC-2 in for the full DSDse upgrades.  W4S says the work should take 1-2 days at their end.  I've enjoyed this unit immensely over the last few years, for its...
  2. Red Jacket Mike

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    I've been waiting to upgrade to Audirvana from the 1.5.12 I have.  I use it in the iTunes integrated mode, with the latest Yosemite version.  I may want to try the standalone mode, but for now, could I upgrade and continue to use the new version in iTunes integrated mode?  Or does that still...
  3. Red Jacket Mike

    Audeze LCD-X

    I have the Q French Silk cable for my LCD-X; I use it mostly with my Violectric V-200.  I don't hear cable differences over the stock cable, but I bought the Q mostly for the ultra light weight, lack of microphonics, and excellent build quality.  This cable makes absolutely no noise if it drags...
  4. Red Jacket Mike

    Audeze LCD-X

    I'd have to say that the LCD-X, for me, are the best pair of headphones I've ever owned.  Over the last year or so, I've trimmed my collection down to 3 pair (for home listening, that is).  I have the LCD-X, HD-800 and TH-900.  The TH-900 gets the least head time; I like them for older...
  5. Red Jacket Mike

    Does anyone own the Wyred4sound DAC 2?

    Well, I answered my own question.  I cloned my HD first, just in case, then installed Yosemite and updated everything, included iTunes.  The W4S DAC2 driver works fine.  As a matter of fact, I didn't have to restart or reset anything.   iTunes 12, the DAC-2, Audirvana 1.5, etc., all working as...
  6. Red Jacket Mike

    Does anyone own the Wyred4sound DAC 2?

    Does anyone here use the original (not upgraded) DAC 2 with any kind of a Mac running Yosemite?  I'm wondering if the DAC-2 driver for Mavericks will still work with Yosemite, or will I need to wait for an updated driver before upgrading my Mac Mini to Yosemite?
  7. Red Jacket Mike

    Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!)

    So if this amp is going to be great with all of my headphones (LCD-X, HD-800 and TH-900) I guess I'm going to have to order one . . .
  8. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA XS - V-MODA M-80s upgraded - Pictures and more! [Discussion, Questions] #FirstthreadtocoverXS

    My new favorite portable combo:  The XS with my new iPhone 6.  I was formerly using the XS with an iPhone 5 and a Vamp Verza.  With the new phone, I'm not missing the amp at all.     I'm using the Audioforge Equalizer app to cut the mid/upper bass in the 250-300Hz region by 1.5-2 dB, and...
  9. Red Jacket Mike

    iPhone 6 & 6 Plus Audio Quality

    I just got a new iPhone 6 128GB, and immediately the audio sounded better to me than my iPhone 5.  As a matter of fact, I had been using the iPhone 5 with a Vamp Verza, and the Audioforge Equalizer app, along with my V-Moda XS; now, with the iPhone 6, I am using the same gear, and when I take...
  10. Red Jacket Mike

    Audeze LCD-X

    I went with the Q French silk cable, in gray.  Zero microphonics.  It's like there's no cable there at all.  
  11. Red Jacket Mike

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    Supposedly the upcoming A+ V2 will have its own IOS app that will do exactly what you are asking.  The current Apple Remote, as mentioned above, will work fine with A+ in iTunes integrated mode, though.  I control things that way, and it works very well.
  12. Red Jacket Mike

    Audeze LCD-X

    I'm waiting for the first impressions on the new Violectric V-281, supposedly available in early June.
  13. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA XS - V-MODA M-80s upgraded - Pictures and more! [Discussion, Questions] #FirstthreadtocoverXS

    To be honest, I never really researched other amps; the design, along with the metallo case for the iPhone 5 with the sliding rail assembly really caught my eye.  I'm sure there are other cheaper amps out there, but, the Verza is also a DAC, which allows me to bypass not only the iPhone amp, but...
  14. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA XS - V-MODA M-80s upgraded - Pictures and more! [Discussion, Questions] #FirstthreadtocoverXS

    Today I used the XS with my iPhone 5 alone for the first time since I got them.  I usually have the Verza connected.  I think that the Verza helps the M100s a little, but it helps the XS a lot.  Without it today, the sound was a bit thinner from top to bottom, and the bass was not as defined...
  15. Red Jacket Mike

    Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!)

    I guess I shouldn't have been concerned.  My V-200 is completely silent, and I would assume that an upgrade by the same company wouldn't change that.  I will be interested in getting one of the new models, with all of the options except the DAC.  I currently use my V200 with a W4S DAC-2, which...
  16. Red Jacket Mike

    Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!)

    I was interested in the V220/281, but the info a few posts back about the noise floor being a bit higher might be a deal breaker; a dead silent background is important to me.  Maybe I'll just keep the V200 I have, for now.
  17. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA XS - V-MODA M-80s upgraded - Pictures and more! [Discussion, Questions] #FirstthreadtocoverXS

    I've been out walking almost every day for the past week or so, with the XS, along with my iPhone 5/Vamp Verza.  I've gotten to like them a lot, especially after tweaking the bottom end up a bit using the AudioForge Equalizer app.   Today, with a cold wind blowing, I opted for the M-100s...
  18. Red Jacket Mike

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    There is a thread over in Computer Audiophile  with some discussion of version 2.  Damien Plisset, the author of the program, occasionally posts there.  Back in early March, he cryptically mentioned that spring would come a bit late this year.  Here's a link:  ...
  19. Red Jacket Mike

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    Of course, you can use Audirvana in stand alone mode now, but version 2 will supposedly offer more in the way of library/organization features.  I use it in iTunes integrated mode now.  I like the look of iTunes, but enjoy bypassing it as the default music player.
  20. Red Jacket Mike

    Mac OS X Music Players - alternatives to iTunes

    Agreed; I'm anxiously waiting for version 2, which supposedly will eliminate the need for iTunes, and also provide its own iPad/iPhone Remote style app.
  21. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA XS - V-MODA M-80s upgraded - Pictures and more! [Discussion, Questions] #FirstthreadtocoverXS

    Yes, for me a slight bump on the low end and no other alterations works.  As for amps, sorry; the only one I've ever used is the Verza, so I can't really recommend anything.  The XS really doesn't need an amp, but the Verza cleans everything up a bit, and gives a bit more impact and definition...
  22. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA XS - V-MODA M-80s upgraded - Pictures and more! [Discussion, Questions] #FirstthreadtocoverXS

    The XS do fit closer to the head than the M100s, but the side of the headband does not touch my glasses at all.  There's enough clearance so they don't rub.  Even if they touched, I don't think it would be an issue; the XS fit snugly but have almost no clamping force.  As I mentioned, they feel...
  23. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA XS - V-MODA M-80s upgraded - Pictures and more! [Discussion, Questions] #FirstthreadtocoverXS

    I've been wearing the M-100s for the last year or so when out walking.  I got the XS because I was looking for a similar sound signature but something a bit smaller on the head.  I also need something that's comfortable while wearing glasses and a cap.   The XS sound is different, but I think...
  24. Red Jacket Mike

    Violectric HPA V281 - Vorsprung durch Balanced (September 2023 Update: Limited Reissue Edition up for preorder!)

    I am definitely interested in the V281.  I have a V200, and I'm looking at upgrading to something with a similar sound signature, more power, the balanced outputs, etc.     I won't need the DAC module, but the motorized/stepped volume controls sound like interesting options.     It sounds so...
  25. Red Jacket Mike

    V-MODA M-100: Discussion/Feedback, Reviews, Pics, etc.

    When the cable is plugged in, the exposed part of the connector is about 3/4" long, so no--no rubbing.  In this photo you can see the stepped down ring that allows the plug to fit inside the M-100 jack securely.