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  1. lekhakul

    Astell&Kern AK T5p (AKT5p) Impressions Thread

    I've just received AKT5P today. After listening for several hours, it's really good headphone.   The sound stage is better than closed headphone, but it's not as wide as open-headphone. The main differences from Beyerdynamic T5P, in  my opinion, are bass, sub-bass and warmth.   I've tried...
  2. lekhakul

    Cambridge Audio receivers: Phone-out opinions?

    Mine is 840E. I think it's good headphone output.
  3. lekhakul

    Balanced XLR Recommendations

    Audioquest Columbia, or Colorado are good price/performance cable.
  4. lekhakul

    How different between squeezebox and transporter?

    Quote: Originally Posted by gregeas I have both. The Transporter will give you two nice displays, full-width size, nicer build quality, ability to play 24/96 files, and a full-featured standalone DAC that compares to the DAC1 (which I have also owned). Thank you for every...
  5. lekhakul

    How different between squeezebox and transporter?

    As the trend of Music server, I'll get one of these (SB or Transporter) for feeding digital data to my Benchmark DAC1. Are there any difference in Sound?