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  1. Failed Engineer

    Snorry Planar Magnetic Headphones

    I have a Trion here in the US if anyone is interested. It is a mk1. It's a great headphone, I just have moved to the JAR800 as my primary, and the amping requirements are very different between the two so I don't have anything that optimizes it. PM me if you want to discuss buying it.
  2. Failed Engineer

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    Those are nice. I really like the SS grill on the Atrium.
  3. Failed Engineer

    Houston folk?

    I'm in Sugar Land and usually happy to host impromptu meets of 3-4 people. I've done it a few times. If anyone wants to come over and listen a lot of my gear is in my signature (and some that I don't use is not). I'm fully networked with Roon/UPnP Qobuz with 3 full chains in the house so it...
  4. Failed Engineer

    Introducing Head-Fi Classifieds!

    I've been a long time member with 2FA enabled on my account for at least a year but can't post classified ads. Is there some setting I'm missing?
  5. Failed Engineer

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    Any impressions on the Caldera Ultraperf Suedes?
  6. Failed Engineer

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    Pietus Maximus with ESS DAC is pretty great with the Atrium open and closed. That'd be my pick for an AIO mid priced.
  7. Failed Engineer

    Nitsch DSHA-3FN / ECP DSHA-3F Impressions

    I have a regular 3F and have cycled through some planars with it and I have reported bad synergy for the most part. That said, I think it's far more related to the amp's low gain and relatively high OI for a solid state amp. The Caldera is a pretty good match because it's high impedance for a...
  8. Failed Engineer

    Weiss Engineering DAC50x (DAC501 and DAC502) Review

    I have a PGGB license, because 4fs upsampling works well with my Walnut V DAC and 16fs especially so with Mojo2/Poly SD card. I already had processed a lot of my favorites for the Walnut and surprisingly so, I just preferred the standard redbook through networked Roon Ready and Upnp - Jplay...
  9. Failed Engineer

    ZMF Atrium - new open-back co-flagship

    I have a pretty anti-planar disposition, and for me the CO didn't change that despite many claiming it solved the planar glassy texture. I find the AO/AC to be far better performers. That is preference though. Posting to say if you prefer dynamics and know that you do, I would be surprised if...
  10. Failed Engineer

    Is $2000 The Hi-End Headphone Sweet Spot in Mid-2024?

    Beefy has nothing to do with it, but partially correct. Needs the JAR treatment first and then at minimum an amp designed for high impedance dynamic drivers (these are generally not high power headphone amps). I've paired it with a $5k custom designed amp that uses it's impedance curve for...
  11. Failed Engineer

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    For Cyan 2, DSD256 and DAC Correction on was highest performance, IMO. Better than DSD512/Correction, which I could also compute without dropouts. I couldn't do DSD1024/Correction without frequent dropouts.
  12. Failed Engineer

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    The current list of DACs supported is here: Not a particularly widespread feature yet. Was meaningful with the Cyan 2 when I had it though.
  13. Failed Engineer

    Weiss Engineering DAC50x (DAC501 and DAC502) Review

    If anyone wants to trade their 501 for my 502 2ch let me know. This DAC is a keeper after testing some but I prefer the smaller footprint.
  14. Failed Engineer

    HQPlayer Impressions and Settings Rolling Thread

    I’ve been using HQP with a 4x PCM only DAC for many years now and it’s definitely a worthwhile improvement. I’ve tried it with vintage DACs that can only do 2x PCM and even there it makes a difference. Honestly I think if you can upsample at all HQP is worth trying.
  15. Failed Engineer

    Roon Optimization Guide For Increased Sound Quality

    Given the emphasis on reducing Roon activity to increase sound quality with these settings I wonder if using jplay instead of Roon would have similar impact? jplay does seem to have lower network traffic as a stated goal. I'm not sure if these Roon settings increase sound quality by reducing...
  16. Failed Engineer

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    Thanks! I get the same high pitched squeal on 32b/16fs wv files playback when paused. I think I'll just stick to 24b/16fs flac as I find that sound to have an impact on my enjoyment while listening and I have to pause to hear someone.
  17. Failed Engineer

    PGGB Offline Remastering

    What are the recommended Mojo2/Poly SD card settings? 16fs PCM and 32bit?
  18. Failed Engineer

    Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆

    I'm having the same. This is a new error for me as compared to a couple days ago though. Before I would be allowed to attempt the firmware update and it would have this same popup but would say "Device Disconnected". I'm on 3.0.0.
  19. Failed Engineer

    2017 Audio Technica new flagship ATH-ADX5000

    Looking to buy a set if anyone is pondering selling.
  20. Failed Engineer

    Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆

    Is MPD or UPnP capable of resuming playback position and queue after shutdown? I'm primarily asking about SD card but also streaming.
  21. Failed Engineer

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    Yes. This is one of the key areas the mod improves. The bass punch is a differentiator. Extension to my ears remains similar to stock as likely a driver limitation but the texture and punch are much improved. I haven't had a Utopia in over a year so I can't say if it is up to Utopia level as...
  22. Failed Engineer

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    This is accurate, I paid $2500 for the v3 mod and purchased a used HD800 for $700. I acknowledge this price is a bitter pill to swallow and buys you any used headphone in production in good condition as well as many good OOP models. But this is the best headphone on the planet to me (my ears...
  23. Failed Engineer

    The (new) HD800 Impressions Thread

    I'm not big on writing impressions but the Utopia had long been my favorite headphone. The JAR800v3 bests it. The v2 traded blows and would likely have been a preference thing but the open-ness, clarity, and bass punch of the v3 went up a notch and closed the gap on the macrodynamic strength...
  24. Failed Engineer

    Chord Electronics ☆ Poly ☆ (wireless & microSD module for Mojo) ☆★►USEFUL INFO on 1st PAGE!!◄★☆

    I just picked up a mojo2/poly from the FS forum here and all seems to be okay on firmware 3.0.0 with Roon, UPnP via jplay, and MPD/SD card via Rigelian. However, it seems to be impossible to update the Poly firmware through the gofigure iOS app. gofigure says 3.2.0 is available (which I...
  25. Failed Engineer

    Summit-Fi Random Thoughts

    I've been reading this thread on the sidelines with some fascination. I've suffered depression and had multiple suicide attempts in my 20s. Everyones path to happiness is different as it's individually defined, but I overcame heavy alcohol use by throwing my addiction into running. It helped...