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  1. kfarndog

    Final Audio Design Impressions and Discussion Thread

    I would suggest you move up to the Heaven VI or down to the Heaven IV (get something else that would be complimentary). I still use my Heaven VI as much as any other IEMs I have.
  2. kfarndog

    NEW - Campfire Comet and Atlas

    High praise indeed when you start comparing any IEM to Nobles.
  3. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    You are going to make me breakdown and buy some Willsound.
  4. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Two earbuds that I really love for jazz and classical - Musicmaker (or Mr Z) Tomahawk and Rose Mojito. Depending on your budget, the Tomahawks' soundstage and air are hard to beat for under $50 in the jazz genre (or if you like that type of sound).
  5. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    i always wanted to try the Blur, but no one of my friends have tried/owned them, so i'm not sure i would want to take a risk. What other TOTL that you have/compared the blur with? I was fortunate to acquire some Blur somewhat recently. I find myself reaching for them or my Cypherus CampFred...
  6. kfarndog

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    Should we expect a review of the Bells in the near future?? :-)
  7. kfarndog

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    I will second the vote for the Symbio. Get the wide bore.
  8. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue D

    I have used my HD25ii with my Plenue D. I find the Senns are very good with many amps and DAPs, but they really ramp up as you provide them with more power. If you haven't purchased the Plenue D at this point, you may consider something like the Shanling M3s which I find a real contender for...
  9. kfarndog

    New Model - Cowon Plenue J

    No. The D is still very slow on start up and drags while you are using it.
  10. kfarndog

    Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!

    Have I missed the Bells going on sale?
  11. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue P1

    I will throw in a second for the P1 with Etymotics. Good across the spectrum.
  12. kfarndog

    ONKYO DP-X1 | Dual Sabre Dacs | Balanced | Sabre BTL Amp | MQA | DSD 256 | Android 5 |

    I used to have the DP-x1 and P1 and, still have / use the P1. In short, both are excellent sounding DAP with an edge to the Cowon for me. It comes down to the bells and whistles. The Onkyo does lots of things pretty well - the Cowon does one thing great. The items I suggest you look at are...
  13. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    The Masyas are a pretty low impedance if I recall. For instance, my Cowon Plenue P1, a great sounding player, doesn't sound the best with the Masyas. But the Cowon Plenue D makes the Masyas sing. I am guessing there is some math between the earbuds and output of those players that explains...
  14. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Just from my personal experience, the Masya is a Jekyll and Hyde earbud depending on the source. It's great when you get it right, but there are equally great earbuds out there that are not nearly as finicky as the Masyas.
  15. kfarndog

    Shanling M3s - dual AK4490 DAC, 2.5 balanced out, aptX BT, HiBy link, USB out, FW 1.7

    Pinky - Have you tried the M3S with the Noble IEMs? Looking forward to what Wild Lee has cooking.
  16. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue P1

    I have both the D and the P1. The D is what I take when I need quality sound and a long batter life. The P1 is what I grab when I am listening critically.
  17. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue P1

    I was considering the x5iii when it came out to replace my P1. Did several side by side listening with the P1 and Fiio. The Fiio is loaded with far more features, but I must like the Burr Brown chip in the P1 as it still bests other well-regarded players to my ears. The JetEffect is fantastic...
  18. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    Both the Rose Masya and Mojito are very solid for classical (actually any acoustic) music. I also really like the Musicmaker Tomahawk for classical, but that is a love it or leave it earbud it seems.
  19. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue P1

    It seems very likely that it is the recent firmware update, as that was the nexus of any issue for me. Again, it has been so infrequent that it doesn't matter to reboot to me.
  20. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue P1

    Yes, but it really is just personal preference for the sound of the P1.
  21. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue P1

    I haven't heard the Opus 3 but did briefly audition the Opus 1 and 2 - clearly The Bit's products are taking aim at Cowon. I wouldn't trade my P1 for the #1 or #2, but the Opus 3 with the BB DAC could make me think about it.
  22. kfarndog

    Cowon Plenue D

    It is certainly a great line-up. I have heard all except the Plenue S, and currently own a D and a P1. The D is great especially for the size and battery life, and feel that it gives a 75%-80% experience of its larger brothers (P1 and P2). The only drawbacks I have with the Plenue D is the...
  23. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I quite like the Rose Masya in that price range. Your mileage always varies, depending on what type of music and signature you prefer.
  24. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    I find the bass on the Masya good, but I am not a basshead by any means and I use full foams to help keep them in my ears. The speed, which I translate as details, is excellent in the Masya. They really are an excellent earbud and value if you can make the different fit work for you.
  25. kfarndog

    Earbuds Round-Up

    The review you read is pretty spot on with my sound impressions of the Masya. They really play well with a variety of sources. The big cons I find of the Masya it the fit and the somewhat unruly cable. The soundstage and detail is great out of them, which covers those small flaws for me.