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  1. For Sale  PENDING - Beyerdynamic dt880 600 Ohm Version

    34.00 CAD
    Ships to
    1. Anywhere
    I acquired these headphones from a Head-Fi member many years ago. The left channel doesn't work and the pads are finished - but I am including the included quarter inch TRS adapter! I'm asking for just the shipping costs to Canada or the US to be covered: if you're elsewhere, maybe we can chat...
  2. For Sale  Sennheiser HD800

    377.00 CAD
    Ships to
    1. Anywhere
    The headphones work perfectly well, but the pads and headband need replacing; and the wire isn't looking too hot either - basically, I'm selling drivers and throwing in pads and a wire for free. I'm the second owner: I bought them used from a Romanian Head-Fi user maybe five or ten years ago for...
  3. Presently42

    Montreal meet, september 4th photos

    For the last few years, Montreal Head-Fiers have had a meet at the Salon Son et Image in late March at the Place Bonaventure. In fact, I just got an E-mail from the show, informing me that the show is coming up!   Papomaster has been organising the meet and display, though after the last...
  4. Presently42

    Montreal Meet at the SSI 2011

    I'll be there, but I won't be able to stay for as long each day as I have in the past, due to performances on those three days. I will probably leave my stuff, though, and ask that it isn't taken, if this isn't too much to request.   The gear I'll bring:   AKG K701 Buffalo II DAC...
  5. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    Quote: Zut! Presque tout mes filmes sont sur mon ordinateur.   Je vais amener mon Seigneur des Anneaux complet (les éditions prolongées (ça ce dit?), donc vous n'avez pas besoin d'apporter les votre, au moins que vous voulez), Once et peut être quelque filmes de Kurosawa. Si je trouve...
  6. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    Quote:   Pour moi, si quelque chose est apporté, je vais l'écouter. J'aime bien essayer des différents setups.
  7. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    Vive le DAC!   Après des heures d'ineptitude, j'ai activé un bouton.   Du son glorieux!
  8. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    Du courage ! Néanmoins, j'espère avoir mon DAC dans une condition écoutable pour le meet. Si non, je serai très déçu.   Le beta22 ne sera pas dans un bon état. Qui ne me plaît pas. Pas grand chose que je peux faire juste maintentant : j'ai besoin de travaille.      Quote:
  9. Presently42

    POLL: Head Gear should have a DIY category

    Though that which is made can be classified under the other topics (DIY amps are, after all, amps), having a DIY section would simplify searching and consolidate information, some thing which this site needs: there is SO much brilliant knowledge that is floating about, but is often...
  10. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    The Buffalo II DAC came and I soldered it. But there are four important resistors missing. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I told this to TPA and Brian has sent them --- but will they get here in time? If not, they'll arrive just a few days late.   Pray to the postal gods! Pour libations of...
  11. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    When the first person arrives, I shall be there. Unless I'm late. Which I won't be of course, seeing as "a wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins, nor is he early: he arrives precisely when he means to!"
  12. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    I'll attend on the fourteenth of August, which seems to be the agreed-upon date.   The Buffalo is being shipped as I type this, so it should be ready for the meet.   As to location, I'm still happy to have it at my flat, which is fairly downtown (Dr. Penfield). As there was mention of...
  13. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    JUNE - 19 20 Not the 20th. - 26 27 Probably not. JULY - 3 4 Available. - 10 11 Available. - 17 18 Available. - 24 25 Available. - 31 Available. August - 1 Available. - 7 8 Available. - 14 15 Available. - 21 22 Available. - 28 29 Available.  ...
  14. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    I wish the twisted pear guys would hurry up and send me my Buffalo! It would be a shame to have a meet and not be able to listen and compare with other sources and DACs.   No matter, this is turning in to a good sized meet: sounds great!
  15. Presently42

    Summer Montreal meet, August 14th

    Speaking of speakers, I have been looking in to potentially making a pair, that I might use them for when headphone listening is not appropriate. My searches lead me to Troels Gravesen's DTQWT, , perhaps mated to the beta24 power-amp, with a balanced...
  16. Presently42

    Montreal SSI meet impressions

    Yes! I just bought a Buffalo DAC!   I can hardly wait for it to arrive.
  17. Presently42

    Montreal SSI meet impressions

    Yes, I heard the clicking as well. I could live with it, as I thought the amp was great. MUST compare it to my beta22 when I fix it.   In the meanwhile, I received yester-day the IVY-III, which is Twisted Pear Audio's current to voltage and balanced to unbalanced converter: I will...
  18. Presently42

    Measurements and subjective preference of cans

    What are your favourite headphones? I've spent the most time with the AKG K701, and I really like them. However, I strongly suspect that I prefer the Sennheiser HD800. What are your favourite types of headphone; in-ear, on-ear,circumaural or supra-aural? Circumaural, but merely for...
  19. Presently42

    Montreal SSI meet impressions

    I never did give my impressions from the show, did I.? Here follow, then, my impressions. There were friendly people (even the pompously righteous missionary), and excellent set-ups. I thought this last year and I thought it again: the AD2000 are really nice headphones. Though rather...
  20. Presently42

    AKG K701 - What's your serial number

    I've had these... a while now and I STILL haven't marked my serial number! On the left 14711. I'm the second owner: I bought them from ph0rk.
  21. Presently42

    2010 Montreal FSI [Head-fi] Meet

    You are quite welcome to bring your headphones and try them at different set-ups.
  22. Presently42

    2010 Montreal FSI [Head-fi] Meet

    My lappy is more than happy to play a film, if you so desire.
  23. Presently42

    2010 Montreal FSI [Head-fi] Meet

    Quote: Originally Posted by gp_hebert I would have loved to hear the Beta 22, but I guess it's better not to rush anything when it comes to electronics. Mistakes can be pricey! Indeed: the reason the Beta22 isn't working now is that I rushed it. I finished it long ago and was...