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  1. theveterans

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Immanis (with the included interface) is easier to drive than Susvara overall. However, it's more picky in the signal chain exactly like the Utopia than Susvara which generally sounds pretty good on most chains
  2. theveterans

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Cookie cutter designs at their finest
  3. theveterans

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    To me, a solid-state, high accurate highly preamp wouldn't color up the sound out a DAC, but for me, a preamp (particularly a tube preamp) is a very versatile unit that can match to your amp in ways that you've never expect! For example while MiB can sound hyper detailed and more microdynamics...
  4. theveterans

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Hybrid amps like Cavalli Liquid Gold or possibly AIC-10 might bring the most technical aspect of the Immanis without losing that tube naturalness. It was also very technical sounding with the WA23 Luna as well without being overly smooth
  5. theveterans

    Schiit Audio Bifrost 2

    I could hardly focus at work since my workplace setup with BF2/Midgard/Eta Mini C sound so good :)
  6. theveterans

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I'm also one of the fortunate ones that never got even a cold or sniffles for the past 10 years already hence I never needed to take any of those shots as there's zero reason in my own unique/individual case
  7. theveterans

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Yep! Agreed with my experience as well. Need to be at the level of DHC Chimera, Lazuli Voila, Arctic Euphoria to convincingly beat the medical hose cable. IMHO, any ZMF cable would sound inferior against stock Susvara cable when it comes to synergy with Susvara. On other headphones, the synergy...
  8. theveterans

    LAiV Harmony R2R DAC Impression and Reviews

    Why you hidin' that beauty? haha
  9. theveterans

    Astell&Kern A&futura SE180 - The First Modular DAP from Astell&Kern

    It's possible that your phone is doing some DSP to alter the sound. My SP2000 sounds the same whether it's in USB mode or playing back on its internal storage
  10. theveterans

    THE WATERCOOLER HEADPHONE EDITION – Headphones, Amps, DACs, and desktop/home audio related – a freewheeling discussion of gear, impressions, music, and musings.

    Sony MDR 7506 back in 2007 for me :) Then fell in love with soundstage through the AKG K712 Pro in 2014 (first dabble in this hobby and the year I created my Head-Fi account)
  11. theveterans

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Thanks! Your setup really suits most headphones out there based on its sound signature! I made further tweaks to my system (no DSP or any digital manipulation of course) just to try to get close to your setup's sound presentation. When you hear it again, I think it'll remind you of a WA23 junior...
  12. theveterans

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Hahaha Back to the Future reference
  13. theveterans

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Demoed @Aetherhole 's setup last meet (June) with the Immanis and WA23 (stock tubes): it's full bodied without any hints of lacking dynamics or any signs of being underpowered. Treble is also well controlled and articulate at the same time
  14. theveterans

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Yep! She's the one who I seriously followed after seeing her M/V clips back then and paved way for me to get into to this hobby long time ago :)
  15. theveterans

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    Same here! Glad you guys are enjoying the fun!
  16. theveterans

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I like all of her songs :), but you can try "Holssi". Her vocals on her latest mini album are mastered really well whereas her voice can be a bit thin on her past recordings. Her vocals on her live concerts though are ridiculously good!
  17. theveterans

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I'm a dude haha. She's my avatar and my fave music artist :) I'll be in her Kia Forum Inglewood world tour concert this August 2nd :)
  18. theveterans

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    MiB has more expansive headstage to me than A2 (from memory). A2 definitely is more pronounced in bass presence/rawness as well as lower treble while MiB is more even and more textured in the bass with a very even and refined treble. If your amp isn't the slammy type, get the A2 for added slam...
  19. theveterans

    HiFiMan Susvara

    IME Tried a bunch of under 1K aftermarket cables. It's not until you get to the 3K ones (Arctic Euphoria, DHC Chimera and Lazuli Rhapsody and above) that actually beats the stock cable in every other way. The biggest difference would be the sense of slam and dynamics that's hard to beat with...
  20. theveterans

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Keep using the stock cable IMHO. It would most likely sound better than your silver cable IMHO
  21. theveterans

    ZMF Aegis Official Thread

    I'm extremely happy with my Tung Sol 7581A and my other tube combos on the chain. The 7581A the closest tube to drive Susvara to the likes of Feliks Envy and WA23 amp (stock tube) levels. The grip, control, bass extension and presence are the best I've heard out of the Sus from the Aegis. I...
  22. theveterans

    If you had $10k and were starting from scratch…

    possibly one of the best system curations for the budget
  23. theveterans

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I have my discrete stage outside of Yggy 😅 Adds so much liveliness and grit to the sound :)
  24. theveterans

    Schiit Audio Bifrost 2

    It never ends haha
  25. theveterans

    Best of the Best: Meet the Apos Ray 6SN7 Reserve Vacuum Tube

    Been using these for my Schiit Saga tube preamp for a few days now. It dethroned all my other NOS 6SN7 with its next level technicality and brought quite significant of clarity, heft, resolution and full drive to my audio chain