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    Comment by 'supermage' on listing 'Fearless S8 Z'

    Pm. Can i buy only your qudelix?
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    Bottlehead Amplifier Discussion / Comparison Thread: Crack, SEX & Mainline

    very nice, thinking of jumping over to DNA stratus or starlett from the mainline. Perhaps tu-8900 might be comparable?
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    Bottlehead Amplifier Discussion / Comparison Thread: Crack, SEX & Mainline

    How are the vcaps working for you so far? How many hours you put in them? Thanks for the pictures btw
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    Bottlehead Amplifier Discussion / Comparison Thread: Crack, SEX & Mainline

    You don’t mind if you send a picture? I’ve always wanted to see how this looked up close
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    Comment by 'supermage' on listing 'DDC (Singxer Su-6, Denafrips Iris, PI2AES, etc)'

    You can order one right now. This will be the last batch possibly
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    Comment by 'supermage' on listing 'DDC (Singxer Su-6, Denafrips Iris, PI2AES, etc)'

    Pi2aes is cheapest and has better performance than most if not all those.
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    Bottlehead Amplifier Discussion / Comparison Thread: Crack, SEX & Mainline

    How do they compare to the stock daytons? I never gave those real time
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    Bottlehead Amplifier Discussion / Comparison Thread: Crack, SEX & Mainline

    How many hours for the break in you think? I’m gonna go ahead and order these
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    Comment by 'supermage' on listing 'Schiit Bifrost 2'

    What dac will you use with your shortest way now? I heard BF2 has best synergy
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    Bottlehead Amplifier Discussion / Comparison Thread: Crack, SEX & Mainline

    I just got the mainline a couple of months ago and switched the caps to Mundorf supreme aluminum caps. What exact size did you get the V-Caps? I am thinking of switching. What would be the easiest way to break these in? Just leave the amp on 24/7 with or without music?
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    Comment by 'supermage' on listing 'Schiit Bifrost 2'

    I ordered a sw51. How long did it take for you to get it? I ordered mine 3 months ago
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    Comment by 'supermage' on listing 'PI2AES Streamer'

    I gave you my email so you can send the invoice. I didn’t know that hurt your feelings lol