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  1. Optional

    Sony MDR-Z7M2 Headphone Thread

    Still totally obsessed with my Z7M2's. Wondering if the kimber cables are worth it with my schit stack.
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    Sony MDR-Z7M2 Headphone Thread

    Wow, ok, well, they're here :D Very comfortable, driven very well by a simple Schiit stack, hugely different sound signature than my HD700's, way more bass but still friendly to female vocalists (bulk of my listening). Tonight I'm going to game with them while my fiance streams on Twitch in...
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    Sony MDR-Z7M2 Headphone Thread

    I'm excited, mine are to be delivered Friday. I'm in need of a closed set of cans for home (ATH-A950's are my work set) and wanted to find something to complement my HD700's.
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    Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread

    Haven't found anyone else mention this, but the right side logo plastic piece at the end of the headband on my HD 700's is loose, not like, falling off loose, but has some play to it, I was wondering if anyone else had this issue. Maybe a picture would help but I'm all hopped up on cold meds...
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    Seattle Summer Meet - July 26 Impressions

    My girlfriend has a few, mostly of me and L3000's though haha.
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    The Compass Thread (New)

    some guys with a lot more headphone and amp listening experiences talk about and compare my compass from our local meet up over the weekend here in this thread: they even inspected the internals and were incredibly surprised at the quality...
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    Seattle Summer Meet - July 26 Impressions

    hey! my setup is up there yay! compass over optical from my macbook pro to my ath-a900's and ath-a950ltd's, i had some grado sr-80i's there too, and of course, the chocobo plushie my girlfriend brought with her to protect my gear while we were out at the market buying lunch :P yeah, too bad...
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    Seattle Summer Meet - July 26

    I can say I'm sufficiently excited for this haha. I'll have my girlfriend Brett, my friend Steve, and WittyzTH with me in my car. Only WittyzTH and I have any gear to provide though :P My girlfriend is in the market for a new set of headphones though, so far she wants some A700's because...
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    Seattle Summer Meet - July 26

    me! Audio-GD Compass, Audio-Technica ATH-A900, ATH-A950LTD, Grado SR-80i; MacBook Pro. WittyzTH, am I picking you up or is .coco doing it? I'm in Bellevue near Eastgate and if it's a shorter drive for me than him, I'd rather not inconvenience anyone! Totally willing to give you a ride!
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    The Compass Thread (New)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kpalsm Interesting. I was planning to build a new computer using the GTX260 myself, and this is nice to know. I was under the impression that DVI was capable of video only. I know this is all OT and I apologize, but which motherboard do you use that has...
  11. Optional

    With "these" attributes, how does Grado have a fanbase ?

    I thought it was all hype too, but then I finally broke down and bought a pair of SR-80i's and just loved them. It's a whole new sound and it really suits a lot of my music, rock especially, which is what Grado is known for. I was also afraid of it being uncomfortable, but have come to find...
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    The Compass Thread (New)

    ...on my computer, and from the back of my motherboard I have both the HDMI out from the graphics card to my TV setup and then from the motherboards *actual* optical toslink connection to my receiver, and both can play out at the same time, meaning they are from the same output on the board...
  13. Optional

    Tell us how your Audio-gd Compass is Being Used!

    My MacBook Pro and iTunes filled with Apple Lossless rips of all my music feeding the Compass via Optical to my ATH-A950LTD's, Grado SR-80i's, or a splitter between the A950's and A900's when my girlfriend listens with me! I love this thing, it's really allowed me to try new things with my...
  14. Optional

    How many of you still have your first pair of good headphones?

    Quote: Originally Posted by myk7000 My first good pair of headphones was the v700dj ... or so I thought. Then a Grado SR60 which ended up being my REAL first good pair of headphones. From that point on I decided I loved the grado sound and went up to the alessandro ms1, sr225, rs1...
  15. Optional

    Seattle area vinyl junkies?

    Quote: Originally Posted by iamoneagain Still don't know for sure but I might be able to make this. Probably not for the after meet. If I do, I'll be bringing the L3000/DHA3000 combo. Oh man I would LOVE to hear those L3000's, they're like... my dream can haha. I almost blew...
  16. Optional

    Out at the park (video content).

    Quote: Originally Posted by WittyzTH wow! I was about to go there as well to check out the flat pad for Grado if they have, but it was busy druing a lunch time today. They didn't have any seperate pads, but like I said, they had an RS-1 and RS-2 on hand and a nice setup to drive...
  17. Optional

    Seattle area vinyl junkies?

    Quote: Originally Posted by WittyzTH Thanks a lot! I'm sure now I can join this time since I re-schedule at my work. and since I have a ride, what I will bring are: headphone: audio-technica ATH-W3000 audio-technica ATH-AD500 with W5000 drivers audio-technica ATH-AD500...
  18. Optional

    Seattle area vinyl junkies?

    I'm in Bellevue, I can pick you up and drive you over! I'm bringing my Compass and related stuff for a rig with my ATH-A900's/950's/SR-80i's. PM me your info!
  19. Optional

    Out at the park (video content).

    two of the pictures from the day as my desktops :P dropped the pictures to a friend who is a photoshop guru, and haven't uploaded them to my website yet, but I'll get to it :P also have some pictures of us trying Grado RS-1's and RS-2's at DefinitiveAudio in Bellevue off a PeachTree Nova...
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    You have to throw out all your headphones. You may choose one.

    I'd keep my ATH-A950LTD's. I've been more and more happy with an open sound, but the closed/isolated portion is part of the draw of headphones, being in your own little music world, apart from your surroundings. Plus these headphones (as are all low impedance headphones) really easy to drive and...
  21. Optional

    Peachtree Nova headphone section

    Woah, I auditioned this amp at Definitive Audio here in Bellevue sourced by a Wadia iTransport and ALAC from my iPod Classic with Grado RS-1's, RS-2's and my own ATH-A950's, was a great little piece of gear, I didn't have enough time to really take it down to the different pieces in terms of...
  22. Optional

    Out at the park (video content).

    ...RS-1's and RS-2's via my iPod Classic > Wadia iTransport and then a brand of amp I didn't recognize, I took some pics of that too, those guys were *super* nice, full service for sure, brought me chairs for us and adapters for my own headphones and a splitter so we could both listen, offered...
  23. Optional

    Out at the park (video content).

    Quote: Originally Posted by Billyk Nice videos! Lucky to have a GF that not only tolerates but is willing to join you and in public no less. My wife thinks I am going to get arrested as some kind of suicide bomber. I get all wired up with my mini3, iriver, etc, she says she won't be...
  24. Optional

    Out at the park (video content).

    Got all the pictures from my girlfriend and a lot of them are wallpaper quality a others could use some touchup, would be cool to see some head-fi photohop gurus take on some of the pictures. Always good to have new headphone walls!