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  1. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    I don’t have any data to support it but I believe that your assumption is correct. There is a learning curve involved with preparing for and then taking your own measurements. Also, the ideal situation is to have two fairly meticulous people involved when taking measurements, as you can’t be in...
  2. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    You make an excellent point about individual PRIRs. While my in person 3DSS PRIR does not seem to subjectively compare quite so favorably against Omega 96 Pro, neither PRIR matches the physical dimensions of my actual listening room.
  3. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    The caveat is that any given PRIR, even a professionally made "universal PRIR" from 3DSS, may or may not be convincing to a given user. That's why there are demos on the 3DSS website so that you can "try before you buy." I can't explain why my in person PRIR measurement made at the 3DSS studio...
  4. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    No harm, no foul.
  5. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    I’m assuming that you mean to refer to the 3DSS HD800S HPEQ. I own a pair of Sennheiser HD800 headphones and I also find the Omega Pro HD800S HPEQ to be superior(more realistic sounding, subjective ly speaking )to my own HPEQs, including one measured by John himself in the studio. I honestly...
  6. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    @zdjh22 thanks for great post. I’m pretty certain that you and I are in the relative minority of A16 owners who primarily use their A16’s for listening to music (particularly in surround). I have yet to prepare 2.0 or 2.1 rooms with this new PRIR but I definitely plan to do so. This, of course...
  7. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Once you get past the BBC rooms you have 12 presets to play with for User A and another 12 for User B. You could have one preset (#5) set for flat curve and another one(#6) set for house curve. Now, if you were happy with using the same room size configuration for each listening room...
  8. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    I just spent the last two hours enjoying Omega 96 Pro on my A16. John, in my opinion, has produced his magnum opus. I have, thus far, only tried the “house curve” version, however, I now have no interest in setting up and auditioning the “flat curve” version. It just sounds so live and...
  9. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    You're not the only one! :beerchug:
  10. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Welcome back to Ariadne’s thread.
  11. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Do a HeadFi search on “Heavenly Sound.”
  12. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Ditto. By the way, there are 9 different demos at the “audio-test” link (see post #16,099 above) and you can also use them to compare Omega 96 Pro “house curve” vs. “flat curve.” I honestly don’t know how the “house curve” is EQ’ed or for what purpose (Movies? Gaming? 🤔) but I expect that John...
  13. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    By the way, you will need to upload a log file in zip format to the order page. Here are directions for generating a log file: 1-Place a micro-SD card in the A16. 2-Press "Menu" and go to "Settings", then "Updates / About". 3-Go down to the “Generate log file” line and then press "OK". 4-You...
  14. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    In the event that there are any of you interested in demo'ing and perhaps also purchasing the new 3DSoundShop universal Omega 96 Pro PRIR, I have taken the liberty of posting John's latest announcement to customers on his mailing list. Please note that I am a customer of John's and I have no...
  15. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    At least 90% of the time I tend to use the A16 for listening to music in surround sound. I used to occasionally use the Hifiman HE1000 V2 but now I have relegated it solely for listening to music in stereo via the Chord DAVE. The Hifiman has a livelier sound, with a more thrilling presentation...
  16. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    In my own personal experience, matching room size and having actual speakers as visual anchors both play major parts in making the virtualization work or not work for me. Also, using the HT setup is critical for me in making the illusion seem real. As an aside, I wonder if there is a range of...
  17. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    In the event that you end up purchasing the Omega Pro universal PRIR, I would be very interested in reading your review. Specifically, I wonder if the gap between virtual and in the room low frequencies would significantly narrow for you. Also, with the increased number of measured angles, I...
  18. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Steven Wilson’s Dolby Atmos mixing studio. Picture is from 2020.
  19. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    You and I are extremely rare(and fortunate) in having had the experience of John at 3D Soundshop actually make us our very own in person PRIR. No doubt, you know just how lucky you are(I certainly do!). I believe that your last paragraph best explains why Steven Wilson probably went with the...
  20. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Well, keep in mind just how relatively rare it is for someone to be even aware of what an A16 (or A8) is, let alone how few people have actually ever experienced one. Heck, most people have never experienced Dolby Atmos through an AirPod Pro.
  21. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Yes, I listened to the interview as well. The way I view it, listening to Dolby Atmos mixes via AirPods is akin to what artists did back in the day. They would put stereo mixes on a cassette tape and then play them back in their cars. This way, they would hear the music the same way that the...
  22. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    You’d get more support from a kickstand.
  23. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Once he sees dollar signs, I expect that it won’t take him long to reply unless he’s on holiday, as they say. Don’t forget to order Dolby Atmos, DTS:X and Auro 3D.
  24. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    I fully agree. BTW, I have the HD800 version which is what the Smyths themselves have used in their demos going back several years. I just mention it because you might find one on the used market cheaper than the HD800s.
  25. esimms86

    Smyth Research Realiser A16

    Here's my 2 cents. While there is definitely a learning curve, it's certainly doable for a mild to moderately tech savvy 52 year old. Making your own HPEQ file is quite easy and there are lots of options regarding obtaining "off the shelf" PRIRs. We can direct you to a free database of user...