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  1. Grunt66

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Curious, what makes you think the Mjolnir 3 is not a good pairing for the E3’s. I could not go past half volume without it being too loud. I also visited The Source AV Design group in Torracne California and listened to the E3’s connected to Ferrum DAC which was connected a Mcintosh MHA200...
  2. Grunt66

    Denon AH-D9200 - 2018 Flagship - Impressions Thread

    Just returned the DCA E3 since preferred my Denon AH-D9200’s. I was looking for an upgrade over the 9200’s and then DCA E3’s did not provide what I was looking for. Currently listening to Pink Floyd, Comfortably Numb and the 9200’s do not disappoint. Next song up is, Eagles Hotel California and...
  3. Grunt66

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    At first I was going back and forth between the E3's and the 9200's. I then listened to the E3's for over a week and not listening to my 9200's. Unfornately, I kept pining for the 9200’s.
  4. Grunt66

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    Last year at the SOCAL (2023) Canjam I had a chance to listen to the ZMF Verite closed back (VC) and Atrium closed back (AC). I also listened to the open back Atrium and Caldera. The ZMF room was packed with people waiting to listen to their offerings. The only seat open in the room was in front...
  5. Grunt66

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I spent just over a month listening to the E3’s and comparing them to my Denon AH-D9200’s. First my system: DAC Schiit Yggy+ OG AMPS: Schiit Folkvangr with Mullard E88CC tubes, Schiit Mjolnir 3 (MJ3) EQ: Schiit Lokius Source: Apple Mac Mini M2 PRO After my first listen I decided to burn in...
  6. Grunt66

    Denon AH-D9200 - 2018 Flagship - Impressions Thread

    Always looking for something better or in this case a better sounding closed back headphone to compare to my Denon 9200’s. I received the DCA E3’s today and I only have about 3 hours listening to them. Immediately I noticed the E3’s are lacking in bass compared to the 9200’s. In addition, I hate...
  7. Grunt66

    Dan Clark Audio E3 Review: Interview, Measurements, Impressions

    I just ordered the E3's from Crutchfield and they should be here by Wednesday. I am currently using Denon AH-D9200's for the past 2 years and I still enjoy them. However, I am always looking for the next best thing. Since open back headphones are a no go due to the wife of over 37 years of...
  8. Grunt66

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    There is a difference and it is worth the price difference from the Bifrost 2/64 and the Yggy+ OG. My opinion is yes there is difference and I did not return the Yggy+ OG to Schiit within the 15 day return period. I had a chance a listen to Mjolnir 3 (MJ3) and the Yggy+ OG at the SOCAL Can Jam...
  9. Grunt66

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    I have been listening to my Mjolnir 3 since I received it in December of 2023. Then in January of 2024 I purchased an Yggdrasil + OG before they where no longer available from Schiit. I was using a Bifrost 2/64 before the Yggy+ OG. Tonight, I decided to give the Folk some play time and I am...
  10. Grunt66

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Enjoying my Yggy OG+ with some Dire Straits, You and Your Friend this evening. Enjoy the music.
  11. Grunt66

    Schiit Loki Max Impressions

    I have a Yggy+ OG with Lokius stacked on top (refer to attached picture. I have a Mjolnir 3 (MJ3) separated from the Lokius using a monitor stand. On top of the MJ3 I use another monitor stand and I have a Folkvanger tube amp. I have no whine audible whine with my current setup. I am...
  12. Grunt66

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I am glad I picked up my Yggy+ OG last month. They are no longer available on the Schiit web page. Jason stated once they were gone they are gone and now they are gone.
  13. Grunt66

    Source for Apple Music

    I have been using iTunes / Apple Music since it came on scene with my various iPods over the years. I have uploaded all my CDs to iTunes back in the day. While I also use Tidal and Quboz (recently added), I still prefer iTunes. My current streamer is a Mac Mini M2 Pro since it just works for my...
  14. Grunt66

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    Went to the Schittr yesterday and picked up my new Yggdrasil+ OG that is replacing my Biforst 2/64. I was only going to listen to some music (Tidal and Quboz) for 30 minutes and 2 hours later my wife of 37 years asked me if I was going to spend any time with her. Needless to say I was enjoying...
  15. Grunt66

    Schiit Mjolnir 3 - Impressions Thread

    I got back from the Schittr with my new Yggdrasil+ OG that is replacing my Biforst 2/64. Have about 30 minutes of listening using Quboz and Tidal and I am very happy with the Yggy+ OG in my system. The Bifrost 2/64 sounded good but now the same songs just sound great with more tone and as if I...
  16. Grunt66

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I got back from the Schittr with my new Yggdrasil+ OG that is replacing my Biforst 2/64. Have about 30 minutes of listening using Quboz and Tidal and I am very happy with the Yggy+ OG in my system. The Bifrost 2/64 sounded good but now the same songs just sound great with more tone and as if I...
  17. Grunt66

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Ordered the silver Yggdrasil+ OG this morning and I will pick it up at the Schittr this Saturday (first day off from work). Looking forward to hearing the difference with my current DAC (Bifrost 2/64). My amps are the Mjolnir 3 and Folkvangr.
  18. Grunt66

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I believe I have read the boards should be available some time this month at a cost of $800. I was under the impression though the MIB board would only be available for the earlier model MIB. For those that may know more, is the MIB upgrade boards interchangeable with Yggy+ LIM and Yggy+ OG. I...
  19. Grunt66

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    At least from my readings and I may be incorrect, the LiM and Bifrost 2/64 share similar sound qualities. While attending SOCAL Can Jam this year I had the opportunity to listen to the MJ3 and the Yggy + OG was connected to the MJ3 and I really enjoyed the sonic pairing. Since the release of the...
  20. Grunt66

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    I have been contemplating for some time now if I should upgrade my Bifrost 2/64 to Yggy+ OG or the MIB. Reading comments like yours is pushing me towards the purchase, I just have to decide between the OG or MIB flavor. Recently received my MJ3 that is sharing listening time with my Folkvangr.
  21. Grunt66

    Schiit Mjolnir 3 - Impressions Thread

    Ordered two wide monitor stands from Amazon for use with my Schiit stack. Here is the link: . Due to the width of the Folkvangr and MJ3 both at 16" there were limited options.
  22. Grunt66

    Schiit Folkvangr - Impressions Thread

    My Folkvangr has a new friend the Mjolnir 3. Been using it since earlier this month.
  23. Grunt66

    Schiit Mjolnir 3 - Impressions Thread

    Yes, it was worth the wait. I was disappointed when the delivery date kept being pushed back and I was thinking about canceling the order but I stuck it out and I am glad I did. For those that are waiting, it is worth the wait
  24. Grunt66

    Schiit Mjolnir 3 - Impressions Thread

    The color matches but the texture on the MJ3 has an appearance that lines are in the paint, it does not bother me. The picture I attached shows a close-up with the MJ3 on the top of my setup.