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  1. pretend

    1964 Ears

    Damn, after shipping/impressions/taxes mine was pretty much equal to the cost if I ordered from 1964. Still, the insurance for refits probably still makes it worth it.
  2. pretend

    1964 Ears

    Do they offer free shipping for refits though? I felt ordering through a distributor was tiresome as I needed to repeatedly travel to town, but it was the trade off for the refit policy. 
  3. pretend

    1964 Ears

    I ordered through a dealer and it took a week before they collected it from the post office, from last monday (31/7), when it said "shipped" to receiving it yesterday. Im sure if you ordered online it will take shorter than mine, mine took exceptionally long from Portland to Singapore.
  4. pretend

    1964 Ears

    At last, my v3 have arrived!             They need burn in but at first impression, the mids are very impressive, very lush and clear, yet not "veiled".    Also I have no idea how to lay them in the case, lol
  5. pretend

    Noble Audio Wizard Savant Giveaway!

    1) 107,345 2) 104,777 3) 106,787
  6. pretend

    Custom Art's First Foray into Acrylic CIEMs: Ei.3

    Can anyone compare how a silicone custom feels compared to an acrylic one like the ei.3?
  7. pretend

    Custom Art's First Foray into Acrylic CIEMs: Ei.3

    "Better" is not a very good word to use when comparing sound, I'd say. Each IEM has a unique sound signature that defines it, and appeals to different groups on people based on their music taste. Some people may find the UERM too flat and "boring", who knows. The only fair way to compare is...
  8. pretend

    Custom Art's First Foray into Acrylic CIEMs: Ei.3

    I think labelling the UERM as just another "3 driver acrylic custom" does not do it justice, though. The reference sound that the UERM can produce is truly magical and appeals towards a different group of audiophiles/performers that search for that crystal clear, uncoloured sound.
  9. pretend

    Westone Sweepstakes Presented by Sonic Electronix!

    Only for Americans? Come on now.
  10. pretend

    1964 Ears

    I think you'll be surprised, from step 7 it takes like a day for each step (excluding weekends).
  11. pretend

    1964 Ears

    V3 as well. I did not get rush processing
  12. pretend

    1964 Ears

    Damn, mine was at shells poured at 8/10 and its shipped now. You're pretty unlucky, I'd say
  13. pretend

    1964 Ears

    What step is your v3s at? When mine was being made there were updates at least once every week.
  14. pretend

    1964 Ears

        Holy crap the new 1964 site looks awesome.    They have the new models up on the site too.
  15. pretend

    1964 Ears Adel IEMs

    Damn, new case, complete overhaul of their products, and I'm just here waiting for my v3s from the clearance sale to be shipped... 
  16. pretend

    Three Word Story

    towards a bigger,
  17. pretend

    [TEASER] Massdrop x ??? - New Custom In-Ear Monitor available September

    Im no professional but the 1964 website states this about recessed sockets:   Recessed sockets help the cable last longer. We place the connectors deeper into the shell and the cable is held more securely thereby limiting wear and tear on the connectors. If moisture or dirt get into the...
  18. pretend

    The FiiO X1 Discussion and Help and Support Thread |192K/24B|100mW | LO | inline remote

    Thanks for the quick reply. I will definitely try out my v3s with a friend's X1 before purchase, though I think I'm already set on buying it anyway.
  19. pretend

    New Shure SE215 - First Impressions

    "Buttery" is a pretty good way to put it. I own the 215s and they have their have their good sides but I'd say it fits a niche group of people who like very rich, smooth. thick sound. For clarity, presentation and treble (treble of which is a huge weak point of the 215s), I'd say the Vsonic GR07...
  20. pretend

    The FiiO X1 Discussion and Help and Support Thread |192K/24B|100mW | LO | inline remote

    Ive heard from others that the x1 is generally more "heavy" and rich to deepen and add fullness to the sound. If it is true, does this affect clarity of the sound at all? If I were to match it with a bassier headphone/iem, will it be too overbearing?
  21. pretend

    Does DAP really make a huge different from phones?

    Well "from what I hear" is what I heard from other friends and people commenting on daps. I guess the best way to see the difference is probably to try it myself at an audio store.
  22. pretend

    Does DAP really make a huge different from phones?

    Im thinking of buying an entry level DAP sometime before the end of this year but from what I hear it doesnt make too much difference compared to using my smartphone. The only thing that ticks me off about using a smartphone is the need to downsize sampling rates from 96/88.2 to 48/44.1. If...
  23. pretend

    Custom Art's First Foray into Acrylic CIEMs: Ei.3

    Hope it didnt come off as offensive lol. I meant to say how it was so different compared to the family of other silicone iems in Custom Art. The price for such high build quality and sound quality (for a 3 driver) is very commendable I must say.
  24. pretend

    Custom Art's First Foray into Acrylic CIEMs: Ei.3

    This iem feels very uncharacteristic of Custom Art. Heavier bass, and acrylic instead of silicone, it almost feels like that weird kid in class that no one seems to understand. Any comments on how silicone feels as compared to acrylic?