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  1. tmushy

    Deal Alert: Westone UM56 for 65.00$ and 1.00$ for custom color

    Quote: Originally Posted by dj nellie Wow, it only costs audiologists 50 cents to do an impression? In New York City, they charge up to $90 just to do the impression. I guess their time is valuable... I just went to get my 2nd set of impressions done (3rd on my left ear). My UM56s...
  2. tmushy

    Deal Alert: Westone UM56 for 65.00$ and 1.00$ for custom color

    Why are you guys getting charged so much? I went to the local audilogist and he wanted $120 for these things. I told him its too much and ill pay him for the impression. He said go ahead keep them no big deal. I told him I want to pay for for them and he said "dont worry about it its .50 cents...
  3. tmushy

    [REVIEW] Head-Direct RE0 - a new contender for the best IEM

    Quote: Originally Posted by Maeglas Comparing to many other earphones, RE0 are build very well. And saying "everyone else" had problems with their build quality, is quite inappropriate, as it might confuse people who are thinking about buying those. by "everyone else" i meant...
  4. tmushy

    [REVIEW] Head-Direct RE0 - a new contender for the best IEM

    Quote: Originally Posted by Quicklite 30 mins?!? what do you have in your ears? I had the same problem everyone else did. The headphone came apart. I could have glued it together but didnt feel like i should have too
  5. tmushy

    [REVIEW] Head-Direct RE0 - a new contender for the best IEM

    The re0 are built horribly The sounded good but i returned them because they broke within 30 minutes of using them. $100 headphones should not break in that type frame.
  6. tmushy

    [REVIEW] Head-Direct RE0 - a new contender for the best IEM

    Quote: Originally Posted by ljokerl I asked pretty much the same question here. There are some opinions in there that might help you out, but direct comparisons of the two are scarce. Hmm im thinking about buying both and returning whichever one i dont like. You are right there...
  7. tmushy

    [REVIEW] Head-Direct RE0 - a new contender for the best IEM

    Does anyone have a comparision between the Audéo PFE and the RE0. I am not sure which one i should purchase and price isnt the issue since they are about the same.
  8. tmushy

    Crossroads Mylar Three, sound?

    Im in california. I sent payment May 2nd and they were delivering it today (I missed the package) 10 days from Singapore - thats pretty quick shipping!
  9. tmushy

    Crossroads Mylar Three, sound?

    How do you know what date its supposed to get there? Does the Singapore tracking actually give you a date?
  10. tmushy

    Crossroads Mylar Three, sound?

    Do the shure e4c tips fit these headphones? I have a few extra here
  11. tmushy

    Crossroads Mylar Three, sound?

    I emailed them and they said about 12-13 days to california.
  12. tmushy

    Crossroads Mylar Three, sound?

    Went ahead and purchased them. The customer support is great. I just wish these headphones looked a bit nicer. I saw some all black prototype picture and they looked alot better than the red and blue.
  13. tmushy

    Crossroads Mylar Three, sound?

    Hello everyone I am new to the forum - I came here to read up on purchasing some headphones. I just saw this post for the mylar 3s and it has somewhat changed my mind on what I decided on. Do you think these are worth buying over the 3.? I appreciate your time Thank you