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  1. jazzfuze


    HiFiMan HE5se for $299 at Adorma
  2. jazzfuze


    I've been waiting on this ALL DAY!! Thanks for the post. I knew someone would have a deal on this. GREAT amp!!
  3. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    I own both the M1060s and the HD800s. I consider the 1060s a great value but to say that they outperform the 800s is a BIG stretch.
  4. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Please excuse my ignorance but can you explain "fazors instead of the fuzzor mod"?
  5. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    @PockyG I would LOVE to have a set of the fazors! You're very kind to do this!!
  6. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    I'd be glad to purchase a sheet or two if you're going to buy them..:beyersmile:
  7. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    I'm very interested in what others have to say about these..
  8. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

      I have the very same setup.    Great sounds indeed!
  9. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    If one chose to use black paper instead of white, would this work as well as a "paper towel"?   Paper Beverage Napkin, 2-ply, Black
  10. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    same as these?
  11. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

       Did you give the coupler its name? Schiit's got NOTHING on you 
  12. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

      Interesting. I ordered the very same adapter last week from Amazon. So far it's working fine. 
  13. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

     Here's something that I've been thinking: What type of "black" paper could be used? I don't ever see black paper towels in the store.   Could you use black party napkins? Black wrapping paper? Perhaps we can do some experimentation for those who would prefer  black over white paper for...
  14. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

      So sorry to hear. Friends and family are far more important than headphones. Hope the time with your friends helps bring comfort. 
  15. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

     Not rushing you but I'm hoping you can still share those impressions this evening!  
  16. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

      A detailed description including nice photos here: 
  17. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    I would think so. Can't expect a $300 headphone to compete with the 800s. You could HOPE it. Not expect it.  
  18. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    My 1060s are arriving tomorrow and I'm like a kid at Christmas I've got to stop checking the responses here every 15 minutes!  
  19. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Yes, finally a review that is comprehensive and objective. THANKS!
  20. jazzfuze

    Monoprice Monolith M1060 and M560 Planar Headphones

    Just spoke with a sales rep who said that they had over 600 in stock yesterday morning and are down to below 100 today.
  21. jazzfuze

    The Deals DISCUSSION Thread (READ THE FIRST POST!!!)   AUDEZE LCD-2 HP Planar Magnetic Headphones Shedua Wood Edition W/iFi micro iDSD    $995.00   Regular Price: $1,544.00      