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  1. micah356

    AAW Capri Balanced Lightning Audio Cable, with Type-C variant

    I did actually receive my USB-C variant recently, and it seems to work quite well. However, due to the extreme delay, and other issues unrelated to this product, I actually ended up buying a new phone with headphone jack. I'll hang on the Capri just in case I end up with a jack-less phone again...
  2. micah356

    AAW Capri Balanced Lightning Audio Cable, with Type-C variant

    @DrGraceW , can you reply about my order? Has been since December 27th with no response.
  3. micah356

    AAW Capri Balanced Lightning Audio Cable, with Type-C variant

    @DrGraceW I placed an order on IndieGogo December 27. When can I expect you to ship it?
  4. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400 - Best cartridge?

    I actually ended up getting a mp-110 (the mp11 replacement) from lpgear, since they offer a $25 rebate for the audio-technica tk7e that was on my turntable when I got it.
  5. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400 - Best cartridge?

    Bringing an old thread back - My sister broke the needle off of my cartridge, the Nagaoka MP-11. I liked the cartridge and it was good enough. But now I don't really want to wait for one to arrive here from the states. I don't know of many places here in Toronto to buy cartridges, except for Bay...
  6. micah356

    Is my reciever's phono stage broken?

    I'm wondering if there could be something wrong with the ground mount point on the receiver. Maybe you could try putting the ground wire around the third prong of any other thing plugged into the wall/power bar.
  7. micah356

    Basic DAC + headphone amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by Mr. B The E-MU 0404 headphone amp could easily be described as "decent," although it's not going to drive headphones like the HD-600 satisfactorily for most. That's what I would have thought, being that the headphone amp is sort of a secondary function...
  8. micah356

    Basic DAC + headphone amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by revolink24 Headroom total bithead would probably be a good option as well Yeah that's exactly what I'm looking for. And plus it will help out my E2C's a bit when I'm on the go.
  9. micah356

    Basic DAC + headphone amp

    I'm just looking for a basic DAC, maybe even with a headphone amp as well. Currently I don't have any decent way of playing digital files, as obviously just wiring my laptop to my receiver doesn't sound very good. My vinyl setup is simple, but good enough for me: 1981 Rotel RP-6400 turntable...
  10. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400 - Best cartridge?

    I finally received the new cartridge today - the Nagaoka MP-11. It sounds much, much better than the old AT Signet. I'm sure this is at partially because that one was at least 20 years old. That said, the MP-11 is definitely warmer sounding, which I prefer. There is more detail in all parts of...
  11. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400 - Best cartridge?

    Do you think the Nagaoka or the Shure would be a better match? They're only $10 apart so I might as well get whichever is best. And don't worry I don't intend to spend too much more on my setup, apart from getting more vinyl. I've just spent a fair bit (for my student budget) on my road and...
  12. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400 - Best cartridge?

    I've got a Rotel RP-6400 turntable with an old AT Signet cartridge in it. I want to replace this with a new one. In another thread, I was recommended the Nagaoka MP-11 to use, because it would match well with my Harman Kardon 930 and Marantz 2230 receivers. I actually won't be using the Marantz...
  13. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400

    A little update: So apparently my father is actually using the Marantz and the KEF speakers. But he's only using it for watching TV! But I was over there tonight, and I did find the model of the speakers. They are KEF Cadenza, from 1972. Also the light in the Marantz is busted, but I'd imagine...
  14. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400

    I just removed the cartirdge to see which one it was. Turns out it is not the AT30E, but in fact it is a Signet TK7E. From what limited info I could find online, this is a better cartridge than the AT30E, as well as being the magnet type. I guess as you were sayng it may still be good to replace...
  15. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400

    So I will be picking up my new (used) Sennheiser HD 580 tomorrow. Then I guess I will get a new cartridge. When I initially set this up at my friend's house through his HD 600 it was abit noisy, but it may have not been properly grounded as it was only a temporary setup. Would you say that the...
  16. micah356

    Most disappointing headphone purchase

    Not that I was expecting great things, but I was really disappointed in the Sennheiser HD 437. I knew they were no high-quality phones, but the actually sound much, much worse than even the compact PX 100. Picking up my HD 580 tomorrow though, so it doesn't really matter now.
  17. micah356

    Sennheiser HD580, HD580 II, HD580 Precision... what's the difference?

    Can anyone answer this again? What's the difference between the various HD 580 versions?
  18. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400

    Wow, you obviously know your stuff! Anyways it does currently have an Audio Technica cartridge, but I'm not sure if its the original one or not. Either way though my first buy will be some better headphones, but my E2C will do until I find some on craigslist or in the for sale forum here...
  19. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400

    Yeah, pretty lucky. Apart from the turntable, the rest of this stuff has been my parents' since it was new. Unfortunately they sold all their vinyl long ago! The speaker grilles don't seem removable, but the rear panel is. I'll grab a screwdriver once Lost is over.
  20. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400

    Ok, well here's another question for you, if you can help. I've got it hooked up to a Harman Kardon 930 receiver. Any good? I just googled it, seems it was made in the early 1970s. I also have a Marantz 2230, that I'm guessing is around the same age. It seems to work properly, but needs to have...
  21. micah356

    Rotel RP-6400

    It is direct drive if that tells you anything. Also I have the owner's manual, if I can find any clues in there. It doesn't contain any year or dates or anything though.
  22. micah356

    no more market for flagship audio-only players?

    Sadly I think this is probably true. I mean there isn't really a good option now to replace my X5 when it dies eventually. And my friend had a Rio Karma but hasn't bought a new player since it died about a year ago, simply because there is no comparable product. However I do hope that as the...
  23. micah356

    Creative Zen vs. Washing Machine

    Last month I put my cellphone through the washing machine. It dried out over the course of the week, gradually working more and more. At first it wouldn't respond at all. Then it just had the red charging light on constantly. Then it would turn on, but all the buttons did random things, because...