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  1. skidu

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by trentino Oh that looks like a perfect product for me. Seems it has everything I would need, awesome, thanks. NP, i ordered mine from here Nuforce HDP Saved on shipping/import taxes from the states =)
  2. skidu

    Sennheiser HD650 & Massdrop HD6XX Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by trentino You folks listening to music stored in your laptops and pc's with your HD650's, what equipment do you use? Is there a nice desktop amp with built in DAC that works well with HD650? Or is it more common to use a separate DAC and connect that to a...
  3. skidu

    Need headphones for, "entertainment"

    Troll or not, the D1001's actually do a really good job of keeping sound leakage to a minimum whilst being completely rubbish at isolating external sounds.
  4. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Just out of intrest how are burning in the HDP? Im play various logarithmic sweeps combined with Pink/White noise for 12 hours with a 1hr break. Haven't got a clue about the science or reasoning behind it buy it's definately making a difference, soundstage on my hd650 is actually really good now.
  5. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by zenpunk Just realised you finally turned to the dark side. How much did you pay for the HDP from that site you mentioned in the end? It was £339 shipped with next day delivery - great customer service from audiologica though. After buying the amp...
  6. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Well i was on the verge of returning my HDP on sunday evening, but have had it burning in the past four days whilst I've been at work and suffice to say i am now a firm believer of the process. I remember reading HPA comments about the the amp really starts to 'open up' after 50-100hours and...
  7. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by zenpunk Sorry to hear you haven't been able to enjoy your new HDP. You must be one of those rare people immune to the placebo effect. Your experience made me reconsider my plans to upgrade my STX to a new DAC. Despite most people on here suggesting that an...
  8. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Well I've had my HDP burning it overnight with various sweeps and pink noise and spent the afternoon A-Bing it with my x-fi card and honestly i can't tell the difference what so ever using my HD650's. I've tried using various usb ports, different usb cables, FLAC, 320 AND VBR and i even did some...
  9. skidu

    Upgrade similar to Aurvana Lives?

    I've only heard the DT770/32, the bass was a bit more tighter and it has a lot more treble energy (too much for my liking). Heard good things about the M-50's though, really need to audition them at some point.
  10. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by mamba315 I must ask, what type of music files are you playing? Lossy or lossless? There are 4 USB ports on my computer, and they do not all sound the same. One on my computer is substantially better than the rest Thanks for the tips mamba315...
  11. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Nope no EQ or enhancements, just set up wasabi in foobar not much of a difference to my ears to be honest. In regards to burn-in, i assume you just played music/pink noise through the amp just as you could burn-in a pair of headphones? Also can you remember what yours sounded like out of the...
  12. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Received my HDP this morning, been running it for a couple hours now sounds very nice but to be honest I was expecting it to be substantially better then my x-fi card, especially considering the £300 price difference - I'm currently having a hard time telling the difference between the two...
  13. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by K_19 So IMO they're a really great match together; almost makes me think that they might have tuned the HDP using the 650 as reference Thanks so much for the informative write up, looks like i'll be ordering this tomorrow then and hopefully get it...
  14. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by K_19 BTW, listening to HD650 right now through HDP alone while the WA6 warms up. Although it does sound better through HDP -> WA6 alone, HDP on its own sounds amazing enough already (just a tad more detail and soundstage when hooked up to WA6). It's good...
  15. skidu

    Best pair of Sennheisers for $200 or under?

    +1 for the HD485. They easily compete with my D1001's which were more then double the price. Also extremely comfortable as already mentioned.
  16. skidu

    REVIEW (in progress) - Nuforce HDP 24/96 USB-Optical 24/192 Coax DAC Preamp and Headphone Amp

    Quote: Originally Posted by drews P.S. The HDP sounds really nice, better than the uDAC which I love... If you could post some impressions on how it fairs with the HD650's that would be great, especially how it compares to the MKIII. I've been looking to get my first amp/dac for...
  17. skidu

    Work based headphone recommendations (£50 max.)

    I use a pair of these at work 8hours a day, very comfy, great sound quality and hardly leak any noise Creative Aurvana Live Headphones: Electronics & Photo (FYI, they're actually rebadged Denon D1001's (they both use the same fosters drivers) which are very popular, so for...
  18. skidu

    Drum N' Bass Headphones

    Nice post Napilopez, Just to back up what you mentioned about the Denons/CAL's, they are easily one of the most comfortable headphones you'll find. I wear them for about 6hours a day at work and take then on/off quite regularly and the built quality is just as good as day one. Considering...
  19. skidu

    Drum N' Bass Headphones

    D1001's are my favourite phones for drum and bass, actually prefer them to the d2000's, bass is more fuller and richer.
  20. skidu

    A Question about the Sennheiser HD600

    FWIW i prefer the sound of my HD650's straight out of my iphone compared to my other cans.
  21. skidu

    Full sized cans, closed. What for my use?

    HD448 aren't even in the same league as the D2000's they're quite dull and hollow sounding imo, smallish soundstage and lean bass with hardly any extension. However, sound leakage is far better then the Denon's, you get about 15-20db leakage with the d2000's playing at 75db which is more...
  22. skidu

    A Question about the Sennheiser HD600

    I'm driving my HD650's through a x-fi xtrememusic atm (waiting for the release of the HDP) and it's perfectly enjoyable. A friend at work brought in his HD600's and played it through a crappy onboard AC97 soundcard and we were both surprised how good it sounded. I appreciate that an amp...
  23. skidu

    Nuforce HDP - DAC (USB and SPDIF), headphone amp and preamp

    Quote: Originally Posted by bcwang The price has been raised to $499 now, shoot! Quote: Originally Posted by nuforce-jason We expect this product to compete well with DAC+preamp costing 10X its price. No kidding. Taken from Audiocircle, sure does sound impressive...
  24. skidu

    Any full sized closed HF similar to IE8 signature?

    CAL'S arn't that far off in terms of warmth and bass, although the instrument separation/detail and midrange isn't nearly as good, but then again it is half the price. My D2000's are a bit better, but a bit bright and again, midrange isn't as good.
  25. skidu

    Nuforce HDP - DAC (USB and SPDIF), headphone amp and preamp

    x3! Also, do you ship to the UK or have EU store?