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  1. sattech

    Onkyo teams up with Iron Maiden

    FWIW, Onkyo's "MAIDEN AUDIO Ed-Ph0n3s" are here:  ...
  2. sattech

    Need help buying a computer for audio recording/DAW

    The PC looks good for the job. I would still be looking to take the load of DAC/ADC duties away from the "onboard" hardware. It can get glitchy trying to run graphics (waveforms), a full DAW, or any VST plugins/effects and such, so I typically take the load off the supplied onboard soundcard...
  3. sattech

    Need help buying a computer for audio recording/DAW

    Hi,   Welcome to Head-Fi! I've been recording for 35 years, since the neolithic age of reel to reel and everything since. I was there for most of the 80s computers from Commodore, Amiga and some of the first speech synthesis. Also for the difficult birth of digital samplers and...
  4. sattech

    Product Recall - Apple Inc.— BEATS by Dr Dre Pill XL

    Hi to all,   I did search Head-Fi comprehensively before posting here, but could locate no such information. I also was not sure under which category to place this information. I see no Electrical safety thread anywhere on the site. Please forgive me if this has already been posted...
  5. sattech

    Sennheiser HD 630VB Review - First Impressions

    It may take an Aussie to explain the VB feature... We've had VB cans here since 1854, in REAL STEREO. We know em real good like!  ;-)     The HD50 ^ (Heavy Drinker X 50 cans) If you remember anything from physics class, you probably weren't drinking VB, like this man was.   P = IV, P =...
  6. sattech

    Vintage Vinyl repair/MCS 6502

    If you've already tried cleaners and aerosols, maybe reheat the solder joins on the speed control (VRs) and add a bit of solder, with flux of course. (sn63 Multicore tin/lead solder has nice flux in it already). Sounds like a dodgy connection to me, as the speed controller will be (in most...
  7. sattech

    What Live concerts have you attended?

    Wow! What impressive lists, it is good to see people getting out to see and hear live music!!! Long live LIVE MUSIC!   I can't remember all of the artists I've been to see. Forget PONO, I saw Neil Young & Crazy Horse recently, the guys have still got it, one of the most intense gigs I've...
  8. sattech


    If you're running a PC with Windows, and you don't already have FOOBAR installed, I think FOOBAR2000 will be able to do that. It has a "Shuffle Folder" feature in the playback menu.     Be careful where you download it, others throw in bloatware and junk, so the Foobar website is the only...
  9. sattech

    How to know when using a stereo amplifier is better (or worse) than a 'headphone' amplifier?

    I just checked out the price and spec of that Monacor SA-100. Never heard one, so I could not possibly say, but maybe you've stumbled onto a winner there. Maybe you've made a better impedance match for your headphones, as it...
  10. sattech

    How to know when using a stereo amplifier is better (or worse) than a 'headphone' amplifier?

      +1   For 30 years, I've been using the internal Headphone amps in a lot of old Stereo Amplifiers; ROTEL, NAD and Marantz, Pioneer, Technics, Akai etc etc The power amp section (and spec) is separate circuitry and amplifier topology, which has little to do with what sound you will get from...
  11. sattech

    Could anyone assist in Sennheiser HD 250 Linear II disassembly?

    Thanks for the link Billybob, much appreciated. I'll see what I can get from there.   Sennheiser are, shall we say, short and to the point. I'm not having much luck with technical questions in my country. Maybe I'll try an office in a different country, some Senni staff have got to have some...
  12. sattech

    Could anyone assist in Sennheiser HD 250 Linear II disassembly?

    Hi to all,   I'm fairly new to Head-Fi, but not to Headphones. I had access to the Sennheiser HD 250 linear II in the 80s and early 90s. None had ever failed me except for the occasional requirement to solder on a new 3.5mm or 6.5mm Jack. So I've had no need until now to open up a HD 250 set...
  13. sattech

    Tascam US-366 for Computer Audio

    I would eventually like to get an OPPO player, not so much for the Optical drive capability, but for just listening, it would be great to get rid of PC software, operating systems, intrusive updates and all that, just for listening. But this is an expensive hobby, indeed. The OPPO player is...
  14. sattech

    Tascam US-366 for Computer Audio

    My PC knowledge ends about 7 or 8 years ago, so ideas from me may be a bit dated... But whilst we still have many design artifacts of the X86 based PC layout, I suppose some of this is relevant.   Somewhere I read that shared USB devices could cause noise across the serial bus. I think it...
  15. sattech

    Prone to Migraines, need a light headphone.

      If the weight is distributed well, by an ergonomic design, there's a good way to avoid pain. This seems to be key to avoid pressing on some nerve structures implicated in some headache types. Re: IEMs, sounds like me too, I hate sticking bud-like headphones in my ears, always have.   A...
  16. sattech

    Prone to Migraines, need a light headphone.

    Thanks nettiebelle, for the kind words. Helping out folks with headache was something I did for a long time but eventually gave it away. Apologies for the medical essay... I guess old habits are hard to break, at the risk of being off the topic of headphones...   Thanks Billbob_jcv! I...
  17. sattech

    Prone to Migraines, need a light headphone.

    Hi nettiebelle,   I probably know more about headaches than headphones, unfortunately. For 3 years, I ran forum admin and Mods positions on one particularly nasty headache condition, which I have had for over 35 years. For me also Headphones can be an issue, but in my case, concentration on...
  18. sattech

    Tascam US-366 for Computer Audio

    hi jnorris,   I'll chuck in my 2 cents on the US-366, as I could find nothing on it when I bought mine. I've been using Tascam gear for 30 years and have a familiarity with it, from 8, 16 & 24 track analog recorders, professional headphone amplifiers and mixing consoles, to this new...
  19. sattech

    Seeking soldering skills in Australia

    redrich2000,   Did you have any luck fixing your soldering problem?   I agree with most here, basic soldering is easy to do and easily learned. I used to train IPC soldering specs and I usually had people performing adequate wiring tasks and adequate soldering within the first few hours. I...
  20. sattech

    Raspberry Pi & DAC for Headless Audio Player

    Excellent info and block diagram, Cat6man! I've recently been looking into capabilities of Raspberry Pi and possibly Arduino for playing HD audio files away from my home base. The car audio setup looks like a fine idea! I think I'm in the market for a Raspbaerry Pi now I've seen what you can...
  21. sattech

    New Member Introductions thread

    Hi to all,   New here, but not to audio or headphones. I've been a lurker for a little while, decided to join.   As a long time fan of many nice monitor speakers, I'm now going into home recording and an ever shrinking recording setup. I see the need soon, for total headphone use instead...