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  1. phosition 1

    Audinst Mx-1 problem.

    I found out why this was happening. With a little more time I checked my mac's audio MIDI setup and for some reason the audio output was at zero for "1" and max for "2". I do not know how this happened. It seems to be a recent problem, because now every time I if I lower the volume from my...
  2. phosition 1

    Audinst Mx-1 problem.

    Hey guys, I'm running out the door so I apologize if this is rushed. I will get back to the answers tonight. Anyways, I woke up this morning to find my headphones were only producing sound in the right ear. The phones work fine out of the computer jack, but as soon as I put the phones through...
  3. phosition 1

    Entry Level Headphone Amp Suggestions?

    You might check out the Audinst Mx-1.  For $170 (shipping included), you get a much improved D/A converter (when compared to the typical internal soundcard), a modest amp that can push headphones with 16-300ohms, a 1/8" and 1/4" headphone connector, volume control, rca and optical output.  ...
  4. phosition 1

    Building your audio system: For fun add the order in which you built your head-fi system (portable/PC/or hi-fi set-up)

    Uncle Erik, You have taken all the fun out of head-fi! Why worry later, when I can worry now? A head-fi system can't simply be for musical enjoyment. If that was our only aspiration, then this entire philosophy of "entry-level" systems would be a waste of time and money. If music was the only...
  5. phosition 1

    Building your audio system: For fun add the order in which you built your head-fi system (portable/PC/or hi-fi set-up)

    Quote: I was browsing through some digital music magazine, and saw things much more complicated than a head-fi setup. What sorts of "innards" are you changing? Recording and mixing is an after thought for me right now, so this is an interesting idea. I personally always felt Digital...
  6. phosition 1

    Building your audio system: For fun add the order in which you built your head-fi system (portable/PC/or hi-fi set-up)

    Quote:   Two months ago comparisons and reviews were all I really used - they are probably how I chose the Mx-1. But now I'm starting to use them as picture guides, prospective setup capabilities, and new, comparable equipment contenders. Any way I put it, this whole audioholic thing is...
  7. phosition 1

    Building your audio system: For fun add the order in which you built your head-fi system (portable/PC/or hi-fi set-up)

    I am quite new at this. My decisions are roughly composed as such: 25% research, 10% aesthetics, 15% monetary funds, and 50% blind leaps of faith.   Already had prior to audiophilism: Macbookpro   Purchases/Future Building: 1. Denon D2000 2. Audinst Mx-1 3. Mogwai - "Hardcore...
  8. phosition 1

    Hey! this a logical setup?

    Hey dudes, Heaf-fi has been absolutely terrific. The information available here has kept me busy for nights and nights, and not to mention the fact that I've had to rediscover the concepts of physics. It has been a month since I randomly dipped my finger into the "audiophile-icity" of sound...