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  1. TheRobbStory

    How do you deal with the changing seasons, physically?

    When the weather starts to cool, I wonder why the legs have been cut off of all my pants, and then I remember the fun I had in the summer.
  2. TheRobbStory

    So I got to meet Dan Aykroyd tonight!

    Lord knows your career is in the toilet when you're slinging novelty bottles of vodka.
  3. TheRobbStory


    Quote: Originally Posted by Old Pa Schweeet! Think that will fix your chronic flatulence? Absolutely. And the real kicker? I traded my KHS Aero Track for it. Straight up. No more track bikes in my house. I have never felt so un-hip. A good friend of mine in DC is moving to...
  4. TheRobbStory


    This will be me tonight: When I pick this up: Mid 80's Colnago Sprint, fully pantographed.
  5. TheRobbStory

    Post pic(s) of your latest "significant" purchase(s)!!! v2.0

    Quote: Originally Posted by Duggeh What's significant about it? Windows Vista, duh
  6. TheRobbStory

    The LCDuino-1 I/O processor

    I'm way into it. I think this will be the kick-in-the-pants I need to get my M3 cased up as a proper preamp. Great work, guys!
  7. TheRobbStory

    New laptop for me!

    I LOVE my x200. By far the best laptop keyboard I've ever used.
  8. TheRobbStory

    Sneaker-Fi (or Shoe-Fi)

    Meine Schuhe. on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  9. TheRobbStory

    post pics of your headphone set up and listening area

    Quote: Originally Posted by UncleDavid218 Just got my Wharfedale's today: [...] I'm a freshmen in college, by the way. ALAC/FLAC -> Foobar2000 -> Fubar II USB DAC -> Onix SP3 MKII Integrated Amp (6L6GC SED + Mullard 12AX7) -> Wharfedale Diamond 9.6 Which simply begs the...
  10. TheRobbStory

    Watches - another passion of ours, it your pics!

    Quote: Originally Posted by John2e All I wear is my Milgaus green crystal LV The rest of my collection has been gathering dust... I love it! I have been tracking it since its release but refused to pay 150% more than suggested retail as was the case when first released (and the...
  11. TheRobbStory

    The Jeans-fi thread

    I think I have a problem.
  12. TheRobbStory

    Watches - another passion of ours, it your pics!

    Anybody own a Rolex Milgauss? I saw an ad in Wired yesterday and it struck my fancy. I think I might have a rep made.
  13. TheRobbStory

    Watches - another passion of ours, it your pics!

    If anyone's interested, I've put my modded Seiko on the auction block at WUS. PM me for details.. Custom Seiko SNK809K (10sec. lapse) on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
  14. TheRobbStory

    New York City - shopping and music

    Have any of you Brooklynites visited InSound in Greenpoint yet? I keep forgetting every time I'm up there. I get their weekly emails and they seem to have some pretty cool parties and sales on new vinyl.
  15. TheRobbStory

    Do you guys have a listening chair?

    Ditto on the Poang. Eames lounge when I can affords it.
  16. TheRobbStory

    post pics of your headphone set up and listening area

    I am continually amazed by the size of peoples' bedrooms. They sure don't make 'em like that in DC :-(
  17. TheRobbStory

    Kanye West is a douche.

    As a 13 year old girl in suburbia, I am emotionally scarred for life.
  18. TheRobbStory

    post pics of your headphone set up and listening area

    Quote: Originally Posted by fraseyboy ^ That is a bitchin' rig you got there. Where's your mouse? Mice are filthy rodents. I've been using Wacom tablets for years.
  19. TheRobbStory

    post pics of your headphone set up and listening area

    Quote: Originally Posted by chews89 Thanks guys @ koven - Yeah I do agree that the KRKs sound a lot better when positioned at ear level. I actually tried it out with some textbooks but turned out to be quite impractical as I needed to use some of those books, plus it didn't really...
  20. TheRobbStory

    Anyone else disappointed by Apple's iPod updates

    Ooh, just discovered a little hidden gem in iTunes 9.. File > Library > Organize Library > Upgrade to iTunes Media organization Reindexes your entire library, sorting by content type. Here's where the magic happens - navigate in Explorer or Finder to your iTunes library and there's now...