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    dCS Bartok

    Seldom companies take decision because of a single individual like a marketing manager (he can certainly influence the decision of the top brass), I have a feeling the top leadership at DCS knows about it, and it looks like all these years they may have been waiting for a opportune moment and...
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    dCS Bartok

    The bad thing about all this now reviewers will be afraid to post negative reviews about products when they really should which is a loss to the community.
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    dCS Bartok

    More power to @GoldenSound who had never hesitated to bring the truth to us users, you are a gem to this community. you earned my respect for your support to @GoldenSound which is the right thing to do.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Nice stack, so which you prefer more with SE, MJ3 or HA-3A, I alos have the Spring 3 and looking to add a HA-3A to my chain, also are the tubes upgraded or stock.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Also looking to get a tube amp specifically HA-3A, some in that amps thread said it pairs well with HeKSE, folks here who paired both please share your impressions and also which tubes sounded best.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    I suggest pairing the HekSE with a R2R DAC and re-evaluate where I think it is in its elements, I paired it with vaiorus Delta -SIgma DACs and it sounded thin and shrill to me as well, As Hfifiman exclusively use R2R DAC architechture in thier product line so I am guessing they use R2R a lot in...
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    Cayin HA-3A, a Compact 6V6s Transformer-coupled Tube Amplifier

    Any comparison of HA-3A with Bottlehead Mainline 1.1 tube amp?
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    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Not a chemistry expert so please correct me if I am wrong, isn't silver suppose to react more easly with air producing a silver sulfide layer which can "potentially" degrade the long term performance of the planar drivers, fyi, gold dont have this issue, in cables I understand silver is inside...
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Even if Susvara prices comes down which I expect, but to sound good it has specific amp requirement which will eventually bring up the cost more.
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    Is $2000 The Hi-End Headphone Sweet Spot in Mid-2024?

    Yup, I suggest an audition first before pulling the trigger, if you can visit a Canjam near your city they should have these and many more gears.
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    Is $2000 The Hi-End Headphone Sweet Spot in Mid-2024?

    HE1000SE + BF3 or Soekris DAC2541 + MJ3, Hifiman planars pairs very well with R2R DACs.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    I see that you also own the Caldera, if you can do a comparison with the SE will be great!
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    Violectric HPA V550 - Blue's Brother and the successor to the V281

    Thanks both of you for your impressions this is just what I wanted to hear, the headphone I mostly use with my V550 is HE1000 SE (not a greatly dynamic h/p but not too poor either) and V550 is hooked to my Spring 3, as of now exclusively using NOS mode which is possibly bit softer for some...
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    Is $2000 The Hi-End Headphone Sweet Spot in Mid-2024?

    Other than the use case above for everthing else though I like HekSE more, I may try the ZMF HE series earpads which is supposed to give more mid bass attack to the HE1000 series.
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    Violectric HPA V550 - Blue's Brother and the successor to the V281

    This is bugging me a bit, so is the V550 bit less dynamic than other headamps in its price tier, in WaveTheory's review below he says it is more polite and less dynamic (in comparison to V281), is it only because V281 is more dynamic, not because V550 is less dynamic, folks who have compared...
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    Is $2000 The Hi-End Headphone Sweet Spot in Mid-2024?

    In my system I like the LCD-X (2021) more than HekSE for not so greatly recorded / mastered rock / metal (which are quite a lot), for well recorded stuffs the HeKSE is probably better because the better imaging and separation comes across more than LCD+X, LCD-X is hands down more dynamic than HekSE.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Heard good things about Soekris dac2541, R2R tech so imaging and layering should be better than Topping but said to be on neutral side.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    I know but not sure though if planar tech can bring more advancement in the price range of HeKSE, particulary the resolution aspect which is the usp of HekSE, hope to be proven wrong.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    At $2999 (hp+energizer) Is the ShangriaLa Mini going to be successor to the HekSE.
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    The higher price maybe because they are factoring in higher repair rate because of the open driver, and since it's silver it's not too expensive considering the typical lifetime of a top tier headphone, it does make business sense from Hifiman's perspective.
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    Many said Susvara lacked dynamics, maybe this fixes that.
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    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Susvara Unveiled, unveiled 🙂
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    Because of Silver it may be bit more efficient though.
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    Now it comes with a cover, not sure if people will like it. also Silver oxidize more easily, will this effect long term durability? is the diaphragm coated by some other material.
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    HiFiMan Susvara

    No gold diaphragm so will it be a cheaper Susvara?