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  • Users: bpj87
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  1. bpj87

    NJ Summer Meet Impressions July 24th

    I'd like to chime in and thank everyone for a great first meet!  I enjoyed speaking with the wonderful head-fiers I met and listening to some setups that I can only dream of for the time being.  The only 'downside' was that I learned a lot which will help immensely in deciding on a few future...
  2. bpj87

    looking for good DAC with Sennheiser HD800 (up to $700)

    After rather extensively researching the same price bracket for a DAC, I'm left with an Audio-GD DAC-19 DSP set to arrive this week!
  3. bpj87

    Phono Cartridge: Denon DL-110 or DL-160

    I ended up purchasing the DL-110.  It turns out that the similarly priced DL-160 cartridges are actually incorrect links to DL-110s.  Given the price difference and reports of near identical sound, I went with the cheaper option.  And it sounds great!
  4. bpj87

    REVIEW: Audiotailor “Jade” Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier

    Thanks, Joe!  I have a DAC-19DSP on the way, so we'll see if that cures the problem.   Quote:
  5. bpj87

    REVIEW: Audiotailor “Jade” Vacuum Tube Headphone Amplifier

    I have a quick question about my Jade.  I've been a very happy owner for over a year, but there is some hum present that I can't seem to troubleshoot.  It's not functionally bothersome, so I've never inquired previously.   Tube rolling and powering the amp in different buildings do not...
  6. bpj87

    Phono Cartridge: Denon DL-110 or DL-160

    I would like to upgrade the cartridge on my Technics SL-B3 turntable.  The Denon DL-110 and DL-160 both received excellent reviews boasting their superb quality to price ratios.  Both are available online for about the same price, although the DL-160 is the ostensibly higher-end offering.  Which...
  7. bpj87

    Live Dead/Phish

    Quote:   Download the Phish Destroys America compilation.  It is all SBD quality and highlights many of the best moments of the fall '97 tour, which is arguably the best of the funk era.   DISCS 1 & 2: DISCS 3 &...
  8. bpj87

    Annual New Jersey Meet -- Saturday July 24th

    I would love to join!  Any advice for a head-fier traveling to his first meet?
  9. bpj87

    REVIEW: Musical Paradise MP-301 Tube Headphone / Speaker amp

    Thanks for the help. I may end up using this in a larger room with a pair of 98dB/W@1m Sansui SP-2500 loudspeakers. Based on your experience with the larger B&W floorstanding speakers, this should do well. TT with M97XE cartridge > ASL Mini Phono II > MP-301 > speakers... Quote...
  10. bpj87

    REVIEW: Musical Paradise MP-301 Tube Headphone / Speaker amp

    Quick question for anyone using the MP-301 as a speaker amp: I am tempted by the great price to pick this up as a speaker amp for my medical school dorm/apartment. The catch is that I do not own any fancy, high efficiency speakers. While I may purchase a nice set of speakers in the future...
  11. bpj87

    MacBookPro > ??? > Audiotailor Jade > DT990

    Hmm... Now I am intrigued by the Meier StageDAC. Based on my research, am I wrong in saying that the Audio-GD DAC-19 DSP probably edges the Meier in clarity and detail? I have never experienced the Meier crossfeed feature. I apologize for the conjecture, but it seems that it can better...
  12. bpj87

    MacBookPro > ??? > Audiotailor Jade > DT990

    Quote: Originally Posted by CTechKid Thanks for the recommendation. Unfortunately, it looks like it just sold...
  13. bpj87

    MacBookPro > ??? > Audiotailor Jade > DT990

    I have decided that an upgrade from my M-Audio Fast Track Pro DAC is in order. I am looking for something that not only complements my current gear but also will stand up to future amp and can upgrades. While quality to price ratio is more of a concern than absolute price, I'd like to keep...
  14. bpj87

    Considering an Upgrade... Any Advice?

    The DAC-19 DSP looks very interesting. I guess a better DAC is the next logical step in upgrading my system. Am I wrong in assuming that better amps/cans are not worthwhile with my M-Audio Fast Track Pro? I suppose if the source is not up to par, then something like a Woo 6, Mapletree Ear+ HD...
  15. bpj87

    Considering an Upgrade... Any Advice?

    Bump for a warm Saturday afternoon.
  16. bpj87

    Considering an Upgrade... Any Advice?

    I'd appreciate some advice on my current dilemma. A friend of mine has recently gotten the HeadFi bug, and I have been helping him research a setup. In turn, I have gotten the upgrade bug. I currently own Beyer DT990s, an Audiotailor Jade, an Opera Consonance Cyber 20, and an M-Audio Fast...
  17. bpj87

    Headphone Amp as Guitar Amp?

    Thanks for the advice. I may certainly consider a modeling amp with headphone out. The problem is that I have become a bit of a tone freak and am finding myself satisfied with fewer and fewer sounds I guess it's kind of like hi-fi audio where the Apple earbuds just don't seem to do anymore...
  18. bpj87

    Headphone Amp as Guitar Amp?

    I scoured the forum searching for an answer to the below query, but given the strangeness of my request, I'm not surprised that I found myself empty handed. Here is my situation: I will be living in a rather small residence hall for medical school and thus cannot amp my guitar due to the...
  19. bpj87

    Tube rolling with the Audiotailor Jade

    Depends on my mood. Quote: Originally Posted by Mofferino What output do you guys prefer with your current tube combo, yin or yang?
  20. bpj87

    A Request for Beginner Setup Advice

    Thanks for all of the help! I just purchased a set of Beyer DT990s (250 ohm) from B&H. I was torn between the DT880s and DT990s (with a slight lean towards the 990), but the $180 price tag on the latter versus ~$300 for the former swayed me. I'll try using my Fast Track Pro as a DAC and amp...
  21. bpj87

    A Request for Beginner Setup Advice

    Quote: Originally Posted by royalcrown To be honest, I like Phish the most with the Beyerdynamic DT880's moreso than any other headphone - I think they work really well with the extended guitar solos. While I don't like the sound of Grado headphones in general, I don't think you'll...
  22. bpj87

    A Request for Beginner Setup Advice

    I am ready to take the plunge into the world of high end headphone audio. I have contemplated this move many times in the past, but I was content enough with my B&O A8 earbuds (I know…) and Bose QC2 for travel (I know again… ). Recently, I purchased an M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB Audio...