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  1. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    A quick word on . . . ADAPTERS So, I have a 'at home only' expensive Sony DAP with 4.4mm and an 'out and about' Not expensive Hiby DAP with 2.5mm Depending on life I tend to either have a 4.4mm or 2.5mm cable on any given IEM so rather than keep changing cables I prefer to use an adapter...
  2. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    They are very good. First Chifi that Ive really thought Wow If I listen very critically the are slightly 'fuzzy'...a little bit tube like in their sound but man they are superb. If this is a new standard of tuning that the Chinese willtake on board we are in for some VERY good 'western ear...
  3. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Music is pretty wonder teh poor fella has to shout to get his lyrics heard. He must get through a lot of honey and lemon, his throat though
  4. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Just had the Truthear Zero red arrive (2x DD 1x 10mm and 1x 7.8mm) straight out the box (using IMR copper cable, foam tips balanced to Hiby Sabre DAP) VERY impressed and not THAT dissimilar to Ozar. I can certainly tune the Ozar to sound like them if I use a more sparkly top filter like the red...
  5. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    try different web browser . . . Its interactive ;)
  6. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    enjoy !
  7. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Loverly jubberly I do like the Sabre Dac chips and find they seem to always pair very well with IMR sound The KA17 looks great - How are finding the 'Strong Thrust' are you handling it ok ?
  8. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    What's that little thing? (that's what she said) :)
  9. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Hey all I have an IMR Knight for sale if anyone is interested (6mm A.D.L.C Open back) Inexpensive as it only comes with the shells themselves & black filters Just give me a PM x
  10. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Sorry to hear about your boiler :/ Difficult choice as they both offer different things and if anything compliment each other. I tend to think of Ozar as something like a 'reference quality DD' It just does nothing wrong! However when you compare to an IEM with BC drivers, I wouldn't say it...
  11. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Name your price on the album !! hxxps://
  12. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    If memory serves we had established there are small fairy like beings that live inside IMR Iems who's job it is to spread their fairy dust and make the mystical drivers perform their magic :)
  13. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    I mean you say that :) but when you look into the nature and function of 'hearing' - there is a whole 'nother world which is as yet basically unknown in the Western hemisphere o_0 A few quotes here for example explaining hearing as a function of mind (and not just as one might assume, only a...
  14. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Dam it, should have asked for a cool £1000 :) I regret having to let it go but happy for someone else to enjoy it and hopefully share their thoughts here on it. It does have a unique sound. Very natural and perfectly tuned. Seen some really great points here recently on synergy and so forth...
  15. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    :D I couldn't think of the terminology!
  16. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    This reminds me of the following . . . for those needful low end slam times :wink: Whilst Im at it Sohn has one of the best Audiophile albums in this genre (IMO)
  17. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Very briefly] Unique sounding.. Rich deep satisfying low end on Black lower Smooth balanced throughout standout = detail separation and noticeable instruments appearing far and wide being clear when appearing in their respective positions Bit like a cross between Ozar and Elan+ having overall...
  18. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    yes, i was joking :) It comes up with both
  19. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Well THIS is a new low Now Bob is selling cheap imported battery's. :D
  20. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Howdy all if i may be so bold as to briefly intrude, I can highly recommend the Hidiz MP145 - 14.5mm Planar IEM The reviews speak for themselves but they are sublime & if ya'll are looking for, or are interested in a well priced [pretty much perfectly tuned] planar 110% worth a looksee :)
  21. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    I was only joking :) Im sure you'll get your v16
  22. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Ahh c'mon, 'we' gave you the railways, the least you could do is send me a tiny iem ? :D
  23. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    I dont have Enigma :( however if you can see to it that a set comes my way I will happily commit to writing an essay about it :)
  24. jon parker

    IMR Audio : Sonic Adventures & Impressions

    Given them both same hours of burn in now. . . Hard to say subjectively but if you put all IMR's into tiers...with Enigma+ being 'S' tier for example i think the Dawn and NaLe would be in the same tier - something like C+ ? The Dawn is warmer and a more balanced iem that the NaLe but they are...