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  1. Resolve

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    At the moment I have a lot of other stuff I'm working on. But maybe at some point. I also am really not a fan of holding on to gear from community members since the review cadence is sometimes longer than expected - especially for products like these.
  2. Resolve

    New Dali iO-12 ANC Headphones – Impressions Thread

    First of all... I'm just a guy with opinions haha. But also no I haven't heard these. It's something I'd like to try though if I get the chance.
  3. Resolve

    dCS Bartok

    Just to be clear, this is not so much about his content. I'm admittedly not that familiar with it, but from what I have seen I've found his videos to be entertaining - like the audiophile plants video was hilarious and good fun, and I enjoyed his interview with Steven Wilson. It was really just...
  4. Resolve

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I would not read the tea leaves on this. Bass level should be essentially the same between the two if both units get a seal on the head. If there is an imperfection in the seal, the bass will increase, since these both have low driver resonance frequencies.
  5. Resolve

    dCS Bartok

    This is sort of where I'm at with the whole thing. By all accounts from what was shown in the video, it does seem like for the consequential stuff Cameron is correct (the excess ultrasonic noise with DSD for example, or the comments about it being delta-sigma), but even if he was wrong about...
  6. Resolve

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I did not... I got covid, was unable to fly, and now am holed up in a hotel in a dodgy part of Bogota awaiting the next flight to Canada next week. I do not recommend vacation.
  7. Resolve

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I didn't receive a production unit. I believe they are sending one though. Also, I'm currently away on vacation.
  8. Resolve

    The discovery thread!

    Did a video on that here.
  9. Resolve

    The discovery thread!

    Well... the conversations surrounding this typically happen on discord, whether in our server or other science-focused ones. So it is public, we just haven't made a ton of noise about it in our content yet, as it's all still works in progress. We have done some videos on the topic, like this one...
  10. Resolve

    The discovery thread!

    No we specifically use the Harman work, as it's the best research on this topic to date. JM-1 is an estimated baseline HRTF for IEMs based on population average pinna effects and an approximation of the 5128's canal transfer function. When we represent data we do so with the preference bounds...
  11. Resolve

    HiFiMan Susvara

    A little bit of knowledge on a subject can often lead people to all kinds of false conclusions. It's an unfortunate trend that we see in this space, that the tip of the iceberg gets treated as the whole picture. Anyway... no I have not spent quality time with the Caldera, just show impressions...
  12. Resolve

    HiFiMan Susvara

    There's some confusion here. No, we did not make the target and we do not have a target in any traditional sense. We calculated the KB5000 DFHRTF to be used as a baseline to be able to compare with other measurement rigs, but this is not a 'target'. We might say that tilting it by 10dB (as shown...
  13. Resolve

    RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis

    Guys... let's wait until we get a chance to sit down with one and properly evaluate it. Show impressions always require a strong asterisk. We don't usually get the opportunity to EQ, or measure a headphone, try it with different sources, or do the stuff we'd ordinarily try when actually...
  14. Resolve

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Yeah in that respect, a criteria for headphone goodness based around EQability should probably prioritize a non-modal FR (high driver damping can help with this), and importantly... low acoustic Z. You could have the lowest distortion headphone in the world but have the FR at the eardrum be very...
  15. Resolve

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I don't at the moment but we totally could. I just figure if you're measuring at over 100dB... it really doesn't matter if you're talking about a difference between 1% and 0.1% harmonic distortion. It's well below audible anyway and wouldn't pose an impediment to EQ potential either way. In...
  16. Resolve

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    Just to reiterate in case it's missed... the idea about the OG susvara having audible distortion issues is not particularly conclusive or well-founded. Here are the distortion results for a retail unit - SPL calibrated of course: 95dB 105dB 114dB Below 2% at 114dB is a solid result for...
  17. Resolve


    Eh... keep an open mind. My head is not your head.
  18. Resolve

    NEW HIFIMAN Susvara Unveiled!

    I wouldn't say useless, rather a somewhat flawed interpretation of the data - whether intentional or not. For example, an exclamation of there being all kinds of wild resonances when examining group delay without showing the excess group delay misses the plot a bit when it comes to what's...
  19. Resolve

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    You know what, you're right. I'm going to leave this thread and let folks continue sharing their impressions. This should not be about me.
  20. Resolve

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    So... at the moment it's unclear to me if the things that weren't for me about the Immanis would be sufficiently alleviated by changing source equipment, but I absolutely welcome any opportunity to have my mind changed on the sound. Like I'm open minded about having the experience be different...
  21. Resolve

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    This all sounds entirely reasonable to me!
  22. Resolve

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I don't think that's what he meant. I think he meant just that we can't be just making stuff up if nobody knows how it actually performs. As in... there's no basis for truth/falsity if there's no anchor. Speaking personally, I'm perfectly willing to say "I was wrong" with a more proper and...
  23. Resolve

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    And this really is the impetus for that comment. Like I'm my view it is (provided all else is equal or sufficiently inaudible... like harmonic distortion is definitely a factor to consider for subjective and psychoacoustic effects), but I also think it's an open question. Definitely don't want...
  24. Resolve

    RAAL 1995 Immanis

    I just want to clarify some stuff, since I think maybe some of our takes here are being misinterpreted by folks here (and we probably could've made things more clear). Cameron and I are both fans of Raal products, in case that has been missed, and it's always great to chat with the folks from...
  25. Resolve

    PLANAR IEMs fans thread-Impressions, suggestions, ranking list, techs

    Yeah, I would expect the preference clusters to be the same, however the confounding variable with IEMs would be additional clustering around pinna anatomy. So a class 3 listener with OE might be a class 1 listener with IE depending on the expectation of their pinna effects and so on. How much...