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  1. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    I'm a red book fan so stick to 16/44.1, so no issues with the R26 Lan and DNLA playback using Jplay. Red book just sounds more realistic and enjoyable to me on my system. I've tried HQPlayer and high res files, to hear what all the fuss is about, but I tend to start listening for the 'sounds'...
  2. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Hi Wen, these are the settings from earlier in the thread from a windows user (I use the Mac version) it's important to get the output drive strength levels correct. Just copy these settings. The difference between using the LB clock and the internal which is easily switched using the remote on...
  3. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    If your Pi2AES has no isolator board/interface built in (such as the Allo Isolator) I would strongly suggest using a decent LPS/LiPo battery for powering the Pi4 as well as the Pi2AES itself, even if it did have an Isolator board I'd use a LPS/LiPo. Power supplies are critical to get the most...
  4. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Odd, the Zen Stream was the go to streamer at the beginning of this post many moons ago but was soon eclipsed by the performance of the R26 internal Lan streamer when compared. People seemed to prefer the R26 Lan. Has the Zen Stream been improved?
  5. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    I had the same issue not being able to get a GPS signal due to being located in a basement room when first setting up the Leo Bodnar clock. The R26 was located at the far end away from the only window to the street. I had to locate the supplied antenna as close to the window as possible (it was...
  6. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    This shows the 10Mhz clock inside the DAC using an external LPS (Allo Shanti) with a motherboard to clock cable of around 80mm in length (RG-405 works best), it makes a positive difference. I have plans to place a direct PCB connector onto the underside of the Leo Bodnar PCB with a 40mm long...
  7. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    I love to be GPS locked......... doesn't GPS mean great positioning system........ sorry.....
  8. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Tell me about it, I come from the 1980's hifi appreciation club........... BUT it does make a difference to the sound!
  9. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Haven't come across any problems with thermal stability when using the LB clock outside of its aluminium extrusion case, I also have damping material directly on the clock. Using the LB clock with the R26 gives a more natural sound, closer to an analogue vinyl sound for me. The LB clock is a...
  10. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Hi, you're right there about distance of connection, having the external/internal clock closest to the DAC is very important from my experience. Having several feet of connection to such a critical timing device is surely bad, from common sense thinking.... no matter what cable is used. That's...
  11. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Leo Bodnar 10mhz reference clock at £165 from the UK, unbeatable value and can be improved considerably when used with better RG405 interconnects or even better still inside the R26 DAC with shorter connections, search my previous posts...
  12. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    If you are in such a quandary then why not mitigate the risk by using one of the cheaper FMC's on offer (see my earlier posts) Jake has recently tried the exact same cheaper model that I use and swears by it, and at only around €30 from AliExp including the optical cable it's worth a punt. You...
  13. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Not the type that transfer the data via the mains cable in the walls, the wi-fi signal extenders the type that plug into the walls and have a RJ45 connector and wi-fi to wi-fi transfer to each other. You are effectively using these extenders to filter the noise from the router. It's important...
  14. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    If you look at the past posts the other significant upgrade along with the FMC's is to use a basic wi-fi extender (100-300Mbps) to further 'isolate' the router from a switch that should have a LPS and then connects to the R26 via FMC. This upgrade makes a noticeable difference as posted by many...
  15. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Yep, both players are from the same guy Marcin Ostapowicz who has been offering the Windows based solution for a very long time, he knows what he's doing hence the performance increase and great features.
  16. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Of course you are correct concerning DC from the trannies, all the rectification is done on the main motherboard where the transformer output connectors are connected. What I meant was the output cables that go to be converted to DC........ Good recommendation on direct linking of the 115v...
  17. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    But you have to ask yourself for audio transfer enjoyment do you even need anything like 1K for fantastic audio performance............. I have found the opposite TBH, less noise (leads than 100) = more audio performance. But that's me...... less noise on the pipe more enjoyment on the final output
  18. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    All aluminium construction on this case no ferrous at all, even the bolts are all stainless which is great to see.
  19. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Excellent! I was doing twisting since back in the good old 1980's - it works wonders.......... I'd also put some copper tape around the hole in the vertical aluminium partition and around the clear DC wires (around some heat shrink to keep the wires clean so nothing sticky is making a mess and...
  20. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Just give the AC and DC cables a twist, and listen............. easy to untwist if no real benefit.....
  21. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Concerning twisting power cables, I have made many power cables up for my equipment over the years, twisting brings massive benefits in rejecting RF, helping to prevent noise from entering the power supply in the first place, it just seems like a good place to start. Using external earth around...
  22. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Leo Bodnar Reference clock is an outstanding clock, it adds a cohesiveness to the sound which is totally addictive, especially if you use better connections, see Post #6,310 of 7,243 the fact it's £165 and is UK made makes it a bargain.
  23. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    This guy is a glass half empty type............. couldn't listen to all of it...... it's like he doesn't want to be doing the review at all and has better things to be doing! He lost me at plastic sides......
  24. rodthebod

    GUSTARD DAC-R26 Balanced Decoder R2R+1Bit Dual Native Decoding Music Bridge

    Yes, those inexpensive FMC's costing less than €20 for a pair (including two 5v SMPS's - always much better to use a decent LPS on the clean side though or a battery bank) are remarkable and very good to hear your feedback. Sometimes less is more...... but more damping! I'll try out some...