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  1. Relaxasaurus

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    Same boat. We're probably in the minority considering the tier of amp but I wasn't the biggest fan of the clicking relays in my previous Audio-Gd gear.
  2. Relaxasaurus

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    Been waiting for some news (and checking my inbox) on this release. Standard: $3,995 Deluxe: $4,995 Review says all pros and no cons. This coupled with everyone's hands-on experience at Canjam is very promising.
  3. Relaxasaurus

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    Love the idea of the toroid on the back. You need the clearance anyway for cabling so you're really gaining real estate on your desk or rack with this setup.
  4. Relaxasaurus

    Hifiman HE1000-SE has these on sale for $1700. That final sale badge has me thinking a new version may be on the way but maybe I'm just being paranoid 🕵️
  5. Relaxasaurus

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    ^ trying to collect all the info from Headamp about the differences in deluxe vs standard, and I think these are the two main posts- I also remember some talk about only the deluxe version using JFETs but it seems both versions will be using those across the board-
  6. Relaxasaurus

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    I personally prefer the christmas lights markings and their "precise uniformity" over the sunburst lines but I'd be happy with either :grin:
  7. Relaxasaurus

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    Are there 47 marks to match the stepped attenuator? I keep going back & forth, both look good. The smaller lettering of the model on top brings more attention to the size of the case, like Hegel does with their amps. It's overall a classier and understated appeal to my eyes, while the bottom...
  8. Relaxasaurus

    Violectric V222 and V202

    Killer amps! Volume knob reminiscent of the V280 :thumbsup:
  9. Relaxasaurus

    HeadAmp CFA3 Headphone Amp - The Official Thread

    Looks great! Please try to time the release around a BTC price surge so my wife won't notice any money leaving the checking acct.
  10. Relaxasaurus

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Yes sir! I'm such a procrastinator though, I find myself listening more than reviewing. I have all these notes I took, just need to film the thing. Hopefully by the end of the month. Thank you for asking :beerchug:
  11. Relaxasaurus

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Hah! Good stuff. Been listening to the Pass + HEKse combo all day. It's like they were made for each other, loving the sound!
  12. Relaxasaurus

    Hifiman HE1000-SE

    Fun evening with the SE and Organic. Canjam made me crave the Hifiman sound again :gs1000smile:
  13. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)

    Thanks man, and good question. For whatever reason I had such a great time during my extended session with the Stax 9000 and the humble ES8 that it kind of overshadowed the other estat amps. Sounds crazy I know but it could've also been as simple as the Woo room was quieter than the busy Headamp...
  14. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)

    Loving all the impressions. After hearing most of the things on my list I ran back through trying to capture video before the show floor closed.
  15. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)

    Nearly the same takeaways as you. :beerchug: The CFA was marvelous. I want to say I'm surprised the main thread doesn't have more activity but after talking with Justin they've been having trouble sourcing parts reliably, so few own it right now.
  16. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam New York 2024 Impressions Thread (March 9-10, 2024)

    How to Start a Headphone Business by ZMF is up: I noticed someone else was recording so I only grabbed a couple of seminars this go around, hopefully they'll post them here! This allowed me to spend more time on the floor and get some great footage and impressions of the booths. :beerchug:
  17. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam NYC 2024 (March 9-10, 2024)

    This one is high up on my list to try, thanks to you and Hawaii for the pics! Jersey plates, you have some splainin' to do! :wink:
  18. Relaxasaurus

    Wells Audio - Impressions & Questions

    Hoping the V8 will make an appearance at Canjam NYC this weekend if the stars align!
  19. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam NYC 2024 (March 9-10, 2024)

    Sorry bruv. Might as well head to Audio46 nearby and listen to the Empy 2 and other gear.
  20. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam NYC 2024 (March 9-10, 2024)

    Awesome! I see this the next iteration of the "World of McIntosh" in Soho that closed during the pandemic. Glad to see the showroom has a 2nd life. @chrisnyc75 maybe we can get in if my old contact still works there. I may record some! That is if it's alright @warrenpchi and co!
  21. Relaxasaurus

    CanJam NYC 2024 (March 9-10, 2024)

    Done! Thanks for the reminder. For any classical music fans Scheherazade is playing Canjam weekend at the NY Phil-
  22. Relaxasaurus

    Denafrips Artemis

    Just measured with my Pixel and I'm getting 100.6F for the Artemis and 80.0F for the Pontus II. Currently listening to the vanilla Pontus II + Artemis and loving the sound. :thumbsup: Nice score!
  23. Relaxasaurus

    Wells Audio - Impressions & Questions

    I think @The Piper starter making this an option last year. Notice there's no power button on the front panel of mine. You can see the PSU at the bottom of the product page here: Lowers the noise floor considerably.
  24. Relaxasaurus

    Wells Audio - Impressions & Questions

    I'm continually impressed with the Milo, and I know what you mean about getting an amp collection you didn't originally intend to have. :sweat_smile: Can I ask which upgrades you have? I found a big difference with the external PSU and the Goldpoint attenuator.
  25. Relaxasaurus

    Cayin HA-6A Class A KT88/EL34 Tube Headphone Amplifier

    No I still have it. I've been listening to more solid state recently but will probably fire it up soon. Sounds amazing with the Verites, and helps heat my room in the winter months :darthsmile: