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  1. zedane

    UM3X has great synergy with....?

    say a Mustang? or a GV Magnum? Any1 who owns the UM3X and wish to share your experience? I personally paired the UM3X and Magnum and am pretty satisfied so far. Just curious to know of any other unique pairings that just might bring the UM3X to the next level?
  2. zedane

    DAC/Amp for driving UM3X's?

    Have you tried the Govibe Magnum? More details and clarity are added and the adjustable bass allows you to tune the bass to ur personal preference. Cant say much about warmth as i do not really have any idea on what that means. Pairing up with different LOD would let you yield variable results...
  3. zedane

    Govibe Comparison!

    I've tried both the Vulcan Mini as well as the Magnum @ jaben today and honestly, i couldn't differentiate much between those 2. What both of the amps did were basically rather similar, which is bringing out more clarity of the song as well as adding more treble and bass. Therefore, I've...
  4. zedane

    Govibe Comparison!

    Hi guys! Just bought myself a nice UM3x recently to pair it up with my 1g itouch. Gotta say the sound is awesome Now, the bug has hit me and i'm(already) thinking of getting a decent amp to pair it up with my current humble portable rig. I was searching for reviews on the govibe vulcan...
  5. zedane

    Recc an IEM that is most compatible with 1st gen Itouch

    Alright, all your opinions are noted =) Yeah anyway i have a pretty good bundle on hand: a um3x + vulcan mini amp for ard S$600, sounds pretty awesome I read up on the forum and heard that um3x is more of a neutral iem as well, but with high clarity? Wondering how it would fare with the 1g...
  6. zedane

    Recc an IEM that is most compatible with 1st gen Itouch

    Alright man thanks for ur opinion!!! Honestly speaking, i feel that the SE530 is overpriced compared to other triple driver iems. I have not tried them though but their technology seems to be pretty old?(it has been in the market for almost 3 years?). With the current technology, i feel that...
  7. zedane

    Recc an IEM that is most compatible with 1st gen Itouch

    Hi all Just joined this forum moments ago and here is my first qns! Which IEM would you guys/gals recc? Personally, i've thought of the PFE after much reading on it but then again felt that it needs amp to make it sound great? On its own with the headphone out, it sounded "soft", perhaps...