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  1. LogicalOrbit

    Comment by 'LogicalOrbit' on listing 'ZMF Verite Closed Ltd Nightcap'

    I get that - and yeah, I understand a buyers worry when its such a high price and am happy to do anything reasonably within my power to allay their fears. Enjoy the stealths, I was thinking of getting them, but honestly at this point I think the Stellias I sadly returned will be good enough for...
  2. LogicalOrbit

    Comment by 'LogicalOrbit' on listing 'ZMF Verite Closed Ltd Nightcap'

    How so? You want a picture with my state license, the headphone and me in the photo? If you're interested in buying I'd be happy to provide it. Probably - it's what I'd expect but since I want to resell it for as new as I can to recoup costs I didn't want to open it.
  3. For Sale  ZMF Verite Closed Ltd Nightcap

    3000.00 USD
    Excellent/Like new
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. United States of America
    Bought the ZMF Verite Closed Nightcap from the Hot Cup Summer Sale II, which arrived today (date of publication). It comes as as new, with the 6.3mm and XLR 4-pin terminated cables I ordered. Not sure what is in the red envelope as I have not opened it.
  4. LogicalOrbit

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    Is there a recommended carrying case for the Verite Closed, something similar to the case that comes with the Focal Stellias ? Carrying a pelican case everywhere doesn't seem quite ideal.
  5. LogicalOrbit

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    Was looking for something that would match Kennerton Rognir Blue Stabilized so I was between the Windlass and Nightcap. Windlass sadly was sold out so that was that. My absolute favorite though is last year's blue stabilized.
  6. LogicalOrbit

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    DAC/Amp or which Verite Closed? DAC/Amp haven't decided yet but probably going for WA8. Going to see if there's any places that demo here (CO). As for Verite Closed, the Nightcap.
  7. LogicalOrbit

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    Hey! I am waiting on the VC to arrive, assume it'll be two weeks to a month. Can't really provide much comparison between different DAC sound signatures as the Gryphon is the only one I've owned; bought it to use with the Stellias I ended up returning (for some reason they just didn't seem...
  8. LogicalOrbit

    ZMF Verite Closed-New Closed Back ZMF Flagship.

    Hello, I just bought a Verite Closed during the Hot Cup sale, and was wondering what a good portable DAC/amp pairing would be. By portable I mean I would like to be something I can pack when I travel or visit a friends house. Currently my only DAC/Amp is the iFi Gryphon, but from what I've read...
  9. Want To Buy  Rognir Karelian Birch Stabilized Blue

    0.00 USD
    Excellent/Like new
    Or best offer
    Ships to
    1. United States of America
    Hello, looking to purchase a Rognir Karelian Birch Stabilized Blue in as new condition as possible. Paying in USD through PayPal, needs to be shipped to US. Thanks for reading!
  10. LogicalOrbit

    Comment by 'LogicalOrbit' on listing 'Focal Stellia'

    Hello, are you still up to sell these?
  11. LogicalOrbit

    Comment by 'LogicalOrbit' on listing 'Focal Stellia'

    Are these still up for sale?
  12. LogicalOrbit

    Comment by 'LogicalOrbit' on listing 'Focal Stellia'

    Hello, are these still available?
  13. LogicalOrbit

    Sound quality between Amazon Music HD / Qobuz / Tidal

    Qobuz has the smallest musical library, or it feels that way since multiple artists I searched for were not available, but they were on Amazon Music HD and Tidal. Just my two cents.
  14. LogicalOrbit

    Colorado Retailers that allow demoing

    Hello, I am currently in Colorado and wondering where I can find stores/locales that allow trying out different headphones. In particular looking to try out different IEMs if possible. Thank you.
  15. LogicalOrbit

    1500 USD IEM Recommendations

    Thank your for your response. I'm open to recommendations on a portable (as in mobile) DAC as well, I simply mention the Mojo since it appears to be widely considered the best bang for buck.
  16. LogicalOrbit

    1500 USD IEM Recommendations

    Hello, I am looking to purchase some IEMs, used or new for 1500 USD or cheaper (clarifying since buying used can in theory get me something above that price point). I generally prefer deep lows and clear bass, not looking for technical/flat/neutral IEMs as I am not a technical listener by any...
  17. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended universal IEM for 1000-1500 USD

    Well from what I have read the Vega supposedly has better bass while the Andromeda has a better sound space, and I prefer a better bass.
  18. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended universal IEM for 1000-1500 USD

    I believe you completely, but you never know when someone wants to drop a 1850-2000 USD headphone for 1000-1500 USD just because it's used and they want to upgrade ;) I'm still a month or two off from purchasing (Argentina is going through some restructuring in terms of importation legislation)...
  19. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended universal IEM for 1000-1500 USD

    Yeah I was thinking of at most moving towards a Noble Encore, especially if I could get it used for 1500 USD, otherwise I was going to go with the Vega (I like that the earphones are sturdy and the cable appears to screw on to keep from yanking off). I'll keep out an eye for reviews of it...
  20. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended universal IEM for 1000-1500 USD

    Thanks for the link, from the comments the Vega is definitely looking like one of the best options and our tastes seem to be similar.
  21. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended universal IEM for 1000-1500 USD

    Sorry for the bump, but hoping to get at least two votes for a particular headphone before considering the matter settled.
  22. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended universal IEM for 1000-1500 USD

    I would appreciate if you could expand on your answer. Have you personally tried the IEMs? What have/do you compare(d) them against? Are there any particular characteristics that you felt they posessed (positive or negative)? What particular genre do you think they best work with? I don't want...
  23. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended universal IEM for 1000-1500 USD

    Hello, I was wondering what headphones are generally (common consensus) considered crème de la crème within the price range of 1000-1500 USD. I was going to purchase a Shure Se846 as I believed that it would be the best purchase in the 1000-1200 USD range, but after looking at companies such as...
  24. LogicalOrbit

    Recommended DAC for a Shure 846

    Shure offers the PHA900 for their Shure headphones at a price tag of 1000 USD, thus it might be ideally tuned for the Shure SE846, but the Mojo Chord appears to widely be considered the best sub-1000 USD headphone. Are either of these ideal? If so which, if not what would you recommend?