Recent content by zotethemitey
  1. zotethemitey

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    nope. I even always unplug them before powering off the amp and I power on the amp before plugging them in to prevent any voltage spikes on startup or shutdown
  2. zotethemitey

    Moondrop in-ear monitors Impressions Thread

    Hey guys does this look like damage to you? It's really hard to tell if it's actual damage or just epoxy residue or something. It almost looks like the BA driver in my Variations exploded, but I don't think thats possible... first picture is the "damaged looking" right side. second picture is...
  3. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    I would maybe trade my Mahina for something from Thieaudio or an EJ07m/Kinda lava but not a regular moonlight
  4. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    Everything lol I have it but I want more comparisons specifically against things like Thieaudio All I have to compare it to is the variations
  5. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    I'm so angry that no one is reviewing the Mahina! There's like 1 review and it's been out for over a month 😭 I need that sweet sweet confirmation bias after spending so much money on an IEM :dt880smile:
  6. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    How does one get their EJ07M retuned?
  7. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    I do like my Mahina a lot but to me the Variations still sounds more clear, detailed, and crisp. The Mahina is more of a relaxing listen Maybe I will try the Clairvoyance next and see if it's more to my liking
  8. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    I do like my Mahina a lot but to me the Variations still sounds more clear, detailed, and crisp. The Mahina is more of a relaxing listen Maybe I will try the Clairvoyance next and see if it's more to my liking
  9. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    My Mahina finally arrived yesterday! So far I think I may like them even more than my Moondrop Variations. Still in the very early stages of listening. The mids are nice and forward, the bass is there and rumbly, and the highs are unoffensive. Overall I'm happy with them so far.
  10. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    Yaay my Mahina shipped and just got into the US. Should be here within a couple days. Pumped.
  11. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    Yeah I'm not looking for something similar to the Variations, just something to complement them. A warmer sound that's more mid focused but still with bass is really what I want. My two favorite headphones I own are very different too. The Aeolus and the Emu Teak
  12. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    What are polar opposites?
  13. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    Still no movement on the mahina 🥺 ordered 8 days ago. Hoping someone will compare it to the Variations soon, which is my current favorite tribrid set that I own. Starting to wonder if I should have gotten the moonlight instead since my library is 90% metal
  14. zotethemitey

    Yanyin Discussion thread

    My per my current daily driver and personal favorite is the Moondrop Variations. I like the amount of bass and the detail and imaging. The one thing I don't like is how the treble can seem kind of sharp at times during certain songs. With the mahina I was hoping to get something with similarly...