zilax002's latest activity
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    zilax002 reacted to tholt's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    Not silly at all. That's essentially what it is
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    zilax002 replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
    The point isn't that any headphone can be great/to an individual's taste with the right pads, but that certain headphones have the...
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    zilax002 replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
    How'd you manage to hear that? Haha Have you heard the Elex? Was interested in the new Focal headphones but from what I've heard so far...
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    zilax002 replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
    Worth noting that all of those headphones except the Grado's are planars, which tend to be low impedance. BUT I'm also not one who...
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    zilax002 reacted to jonathan c's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    ... don't fixate on the nominal impedance per se. There exists a variety of low impedance (< 40 ohms) headphones that have a 'defined'...
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    zilax002 reacted to ericpalonen's post in the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S with Like Like.
    A somewhat-known fun fact: when developing a Sennheiser headphone, pad material, depth, dimensions, etc, are factored in and run through...
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    zilax002 reacted to ericpalonen's post in the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S with Like Like.
    There are millions of Sennheiser units out there that use this coupling for the earpads, not just the HD 620S. But of course I prefer...
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    zilax002 reacted to Zachik's post in the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S with Like Like.
    Dekoni have leather pads that would fit. Their stuff is top notch quality. How it would sound compared to stock pads? Remains to be...
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    zilax002 replied to the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S.
    @TheFritz Excellent, detailed breakdown! Thank you for that. I'm very excited to get the 620s. It may be heresy around these parts...
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    zilax002 reacted to TheFritz's post in the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S with Like Like.
    Yes. Of course the DCA E3 plays in a totally different league but that is also reflected in the 7 times higher price - but in the...
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    zilax002 reacted to erics75's post in the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S with Like Like.
    That's the one downside of these forums, sometimes stuff trends incorrectly based on parroting. But a savy reader should be able to see...
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    zilax002 replied to the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1.
    Makes sense, since the FR graph was captured at 90 db. Thanks, Jude!
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    zilax002 reacted to jude's post in the thread DROP + GRELL OAE1 with Like Like.
    It seems I neglected to list that (and I always try to be rather meticulous where that's concerned, so sorry about that). For the THD...
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    zilax002 replied to the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S.
    Unfair to ask you to compare them to the E3, but overall your impressions were fairly positive? I've pre-ordered the 620s as a work and...
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    zilax002 reacted to TheFritz's post in the thread Unveiled: Meet the HD 620S with Like Like.
    I auditioned the 620s over the two days of the Munich High End several times - including playing my own music from my DAP and I would...