Recent content by zenzog
  1. zenzog

    DFW Meet Jan 23 2010 Impressions

    I'd just like to say thanks to everyone who showed... it was a great experience as always!
  2. zenzog

    DFW Meet #8. January 2010! (Dallas + Ft. Worth)

    I'll definitely try to swing by... can't say I've got much stuff to bring though.
  3. zenzog


    Quote: Originally Posted by [AK]Zip i plan on hosting another meet either late January or early February here in DFW. -Alex- sounds great, hope i can make it to THIS one at least :/
  4. zenzog

    DFW Meet #5. Summer 2007! (Dallas + Ft. Worth)

    welp, i gotta work that afternoon but i'll try to be there in the morning to sample all the goodies
  5. zenzog

    DFW Meet #5. Summer 2007! (Dallas + Ft. Worth)

    I haven't got much and I've been busy with other stuff, but I'll try to be there with my SA5k's and maybe a Zune or cd player or something!
  6. zenzog

    This soundclip will give amazing soundstage from almost any headphone

    Quote: Originally Posted by waterpump text Amazing stuff really. Made my day! $20 a pop doesn't sound so bad, but I'd looove more samples.
  7. zenzog

    DFW meet impressions

    I wish I could've stayed for more than 2-3 hours! I got to listen to a couple things, but I wanted to try the Stax Omegas and K1000 and... *list continues* As in the past, it was a good learning experience and a big thank you to Alex for making it happen! I only now realize how much I...
  8. zenzog

    DFW Meet #3. (Dallas + Ft. Worth)

    heretic was a giant noob and didn't post here so I gotta do it.. me: a couple CDs ipod 3rd gen Sony SA-5000 recabled by [AK]Zip Audiotechnica ATH-A900s Sony MDR-CD770 heretic: some cdp akg k26p edit: i lied, apparently I have to work weekends now (gotta pay for this stuff right?)...
  9. zenzog

    Best isolation bar none!

    Will it block out my roommate and his girlfriend? If so, SIGN ME UP
  10. zenzog

    Kid wins big downloading from iTunes

    10101.01 more songs too I wonder how long it's going to take for him to get that many...
  11. zenzog

    Help deciding on a pair of cans! (DJ use/PC listening)

    I think most sound cards are rated for 32Ohm headphones and can drive higher powered cans but at a reduced volume... Anyways, hope you're happy with the 7509's.
  12. zenzog

    Girlfriend is going to kill me...

    Those red LEDs make the speakers look mighty ominous.
  13. zenzog is Houston.

    I live up in the DFW area, but I've gone to Houston a few times and I'd have to agree with most of what everyone else is saying... but money cures all ails, right? I like DFW way better than any other place in Texas, but I maybe I'm a little biased.
  14. zenzog

    How do you take your anime? Subbed or dubbed

    Ghibli movies are pretty darn good either subbed or dubbed (thanks to Disney's deep pockets). Other than that...
  15. zenzog

    Shower OR Bath Tub?

    I shower in the morning and bathe&shower in the evenings. Generally while reading/listening to music/eating ice cream, so it's more relaxing than trying to get clean.