Recent content by zaemach
  1. zaemach

    Land of the LOW FI

    Quote: Originally Posted by SptsNaz I was recently talking with a few friends of mine, when one of them began conversing about mp3 players. Somehow it led to headphones, and one of them mentioned the new apple in-ear earbuds, and how "expensive" they are. He said "$50 for headphones...
  2. zaemach

    Does I need an ampulator?

    I've just discovered (to my surprise) that the line-out of my Sony CD player is the perfect volume through my HD-595s. I switched over to it on a whim (after taking the headphones off just to be safe) and noticed that the volume was almost exactly the same as I had been listening to before...
  3. zaemach

    What were your largest and most radical Hifi gear changes?

    THREE WEEKS ago: iPod 20G Zen Touch 20G Assorted stock buds Now: iPod Zen Touch MX-400 EX51 ATH-700 HD-595 DT880 (on the way) Chaintech Go-Vibe Sik Ram Din considering: USB Audiophile, Gilmore Lite ... this is why I'm poor.
  4. zaemach

    *sigh* How much more do I need to spend?

    Well, I got my HD-595 delivered here at the office and had my best day of work ever. This is my first pair of good headphones, and I found that I didn't want to take them off, even when I needed to leave and drive home. But when I got home and plugged them into my computer, the difference was...
  5. zaemach

    EU Head-Fi Meet in Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg or Germany?

    :-( !!! Ach, I'm gonna be in the States until Sep. 6! I know I'm just a newbie, but I wanna come too!
  6. zaemach

    My Head-Fi adventure

    Very well then. :: applies for membership with Team Alessandro and charges the $99 application fee to his debit card :: There. It's over. Goodbye forever, Head-Fi! May you be cursed from now to eternity!
  7. zaemach

    My Head-Fi adventure

    I'm not really looking for closed cans... these are strictly "around the house" deals, hopefully good enough to be a satisfactory replacement for speakers (since I'm not going to have any kind of decent sound system for a whole year) What I'm REALLY looking for is for someone (within the...
  8. zaemach

    My Head-Fi adventure

    Thanks for the input! I've noticed the lack of love for the Senns--I'll take that to mean that I should definitely be sticking with Grados at this level. Although, in the course of my reading, I've heard pretty bad things about MS-1s (and Grados in general) being so bright that it's painful...
  9. zaemach

    My Head-Fi adventure

    I started out determined to buy the E3. I thought "I don't want to look like an idiot walking around with giant headphones and these canals are supposed to sound really great." So I came very close to getting a pair--actually too close--before I had to back down and just say they were too bloody...
  10. zaemach

    My life and happiness are in your hands!

    Okay, I'll give in on the "airplane-ready" and wanting one pair of some kind of super-headphones that are both super-high-quality and portable. So should I stick with a "compromise set" like the PX100, or go for the cheap portables (KSC) and some kind of Grado/Sennheiser/MS-1 set for home...
  11. zaemach

    My life and happiness are in your hands!

    How about the HD497? Would any of you think I was the biggest dork alive for walking around with them? Or, for that matter, should I just get a KSC75 for walking around and something else for listening in my room? They're so cheap it's a tempting option. In that case, what's a good...
  12. zaemach

    My life and happiness are in your hands!

    Okay, here's my situation. I'm leaving to go live in Europe for a year, and just cannot bring any audio equipment with me. I am going to be reduced to just my Zen Touch, a Sony MP3/CD player, and anotebook PC and am going to have to survive with nothing else. So, to not just feel depressed all...
  13. zaemach

    Is it WORTH it?

    Are you telling me that the sound I'd get from the 75 will equal the E3c? I like the isolation, but I like my paychecks more, I think.
  14. zaemach

    Is it WORTH it?

    Thanks for the advice. I don't think the PX-100s really fit what I want... I'm looking for something totally closed, and I hear they leak sound like mad. Also, I want to use them on an airplane, and I hear (from somewhere or other) the E3cs are good for that. here's a better question. The...
  15. zaemach

    Is it WORTH it?

    The only headphones I've ever experienced in my life were the cheap crap I've gotten with devices. I guess I always assumed that better headphones existed, but I was picturing the giant things that guys in recording studios have consuming half their head. It wasn't until I got my new MP3 player...