Recent content by ZackP
  1. ZackP

    Metalheads: get Gojira's "The Way of All Flesh"

    Quote: Originally Posted by ezkcdude This is some of the most annoying metal I've heard in a long time. .
  2. ZackP

    Darkest Desires Part V

    Now Diabolical was trash
  3. ZackP

    What's so good about metal?

    Autopsy should do ya good.
  4. ZackP

    Death Metal Discussion

    Does anyone else listen to Brutality? They have some of the best riffs I've ever heard.
  5. ZackP

    What's so good about metal?

    Not trying to make an insult at all (I do love my punk) but most of it is 2-4 chords haha
  6. ZackP

    Kreator - Hordes of Chaos

    When I listened I came to a different conclusion :P
  7. ZackP

    What's so good about metal?

    If someone thinks Black Sabbath, Toxik, Suffocation, and Hibria ALL SOUND ALIKE, they have something wrong with them. Hell, going from Suffocation to a band like Possessed is still a noticeable difference. Also I really hate the "Metalheads only listen to metal" thing. While some do, that...
  8. ZackP

    Death Metal Discussion

    Not death metal, but Toxik is some of the best thrash ever recorded.
  9. ZackP

    Death Metal Discussion

    Eww br00t death
  10. ZackP

    What's so good about metal?

    EyeHateGod is sludge, Neurosis is crazy weird sludge w/ metal, tribal, and ambient influences (well, their early stuff is hardcore), Earth is drone, and Boris is all over the place. PS: Just giving genres out for the people who are wondering.
  11. ZackP

    Death Metal Discussion

    Eh, Arch Enemy was cool, then I discovered bands like arghoslent, god macabre, and a ton other swedish death metal bands. Much better, and it is actually death metal.
  12. ZackP

    Death Metal Discussion

    Caught Buttering is an absolute classic. As is old Carcass, but heartwork, bleh :P
  13. ZackP

    Lets Talk Metal

    Quote: Originally Posted by Bullseye Question for Head-Fiers When you go to a metal concert do you: 1)Stand at a close distance of the stage, standing away from the Mosh Pit 2) You like getting in the Mosh Pit, headbanging, "pushing" others, and letting the music flow through...
  14. ZackP

    Darkest Desires Part V

    Eww, satyricon hasn't made anything worthwhile since Dark Medieval Times.
  15. ZackP

    Lets Talk Metal

    Haha hahahahaha hahahahahahaha That made my day, didn't know they were taken seriously by anyone who didn't shop at hot topic and/or over the age of 14. Oh wow, and you just said a band sounded watered down, but you like Mastodon. Great stuff. This is about mastodon. If you...