Recent content by XTF1
  1. XTF1

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    My limited experience with audio measurements with the Cosmos thingies… By and large, current audio electronics perform very, very, well, beyond what human ear can objectively detect. If you or somebody hear a difference between two similar DACs or Amps, the first (non-trivial !!!) task is to...
  2. XTF1

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    If price is not (too much of) a concern, the RME ADI-2 Pro is an excellent DAC/ADC combo. (Not trying to direct you toward any product/brand in particular, but just mentioning what amateurs/non-pro interested in measurement seem to use the most…)
  3. XTF1

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    In this Cosmos line, E1DA also has the “Scaler”, (very) low-noise preamp, and “APU”, pre-amp + 1/10kHz notch… for an even geekier, but very high performances, measurement chain..
  4. XTF1

    FiiOxJadeAudio KA1/KA11,JadeAudio JA11 Compact Portable DAC and Amplifier Discussion & Impressions Thread

    KTmicro like the LS-TC1 cable (but with DSP enabled)? Which chip model? Ordered 2x, so I can cut one open and find out..!!! :ksc75smile::ksc75smile::ksc75smile:
  5. XTF1

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    Which app, Android, iOS, Chrome extension? Connecting through… Bluetooth, USB cable?
  6. XTF1

    Audiophiles, Assemble! The Great Digital Audio Routing Challenge: Find the Missing Link and Make Audio History!!!!!!!!!! Everyone Welcome Engineers, Manufacturers, Audiophiles , Forum Members

    E1DA Cosmos ADC, although a little “geeky”, is one of the best ADC you can get at a still reasonable price.
  7. XTF1

    HiBy RS2: dual card slots, Darwin R2R, FIR, NOS, MQA 8x--news and impressions thread

    How much did it cost you? @carrots99, The battery is usually the weakest element on portable thingies. There is no easy way to find how many hours a RS2 has been used on battery and how many charge cycles it went through. I think if you can get a used RS2 for less than [new] - [bat...
  8. XTF1

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    I have not played much with this setting on the 5K… If it is similar to what E1DA has implemented for its 9038 dongles (again, an assumption…), it allows to set some levels of 2nd and 3rd harmonic distortion to “compensate” (partially cancel, or minimize) the H2/H3 distortion naturally...
  9. XTF1

    E1DA DACs Discussion Thread (PDV2, 9038S, 9038D, 9038X, HiFiToy, HPToy)

    I don’t think it is detailed anywhere… Like many thing E1DA-related, you need to monitor their Discord channel—that’s where I got the info…
  10. XTF1

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    I suspect it’s the feature exposed by most of ESS DAC & DAC/Amp. See ES9219 datasheet for (little!) details:
  11. XTF1

    NEW HiBy R4

    Don’t disagree. I think my only DSD tracks are… test tracks! I would have preferred a true quad-DAC for bal.—one DAC per ‘+’ and ‘-‘ for L & R—dual-DAC for SE. But having the option of two different IV / filter paths in future FW is interesting… And the R4 is supposed to be an “audiophile”...
  12. XTF1

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    Agree that it can be overwhelming at times… My take however, is that the 5K features and app / Cr extension are very well thought. So, when you reach one of these strange or obscure settings, or a change in the interface, before b#*%ing about it, it is worth digging to understand what it does...
  13. XTF1

    The Qudelix-5K thread

    You may have found out the answer already, but yes, it’s a huge plus when you use the 5K connected to your phone in USB mode. It allows to maximize the overall battery life of the phone + 5K: when the charger is “disabled”, the 5K uses its own internal battery first, and won’t start tapping...
  14. XTF1

    NEW HiBy R4

    From what HiBy has shared, the two separate paths for PCM and DSD are not so much about isolation, but more about optimized implementation for PCM or DSD such as the IV stage right after the DAC, without trade off. Hiby has hinted a future FW that would allow selecting which path you want to...
  15. XTF1

    E1DA DACs Discussion Thread (PDV2, 9038S, 9038D, 9038X, HiFiToy, HPToy)

    It may still be work in progress, but that’s not quite true: Ivan (the E1DA founder/developer) has released an iOS 17-compatible fw for the 9039s (‘zatoichi_portable_test.hex‘) available on their website. Though he had to disable the HID interfaces to make it work with iOS 17, meaning the...