Recent content by xpersona
  1. xpersona

    Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.

    To the left you may see the upgrade to USB Gen 2 which I have just received (had to order one because my 'old' board could not survive the short circuit received via USB from my Mac Mini (RIP) which in turn got it from the TV (burn in hell!) connected via HDMI).   To the right you may see...
  2. xpersona

    Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.

    Quote: OK. Thanks.   Though I hoped to use my bifrost/lyr combo as general purpose DAC + pre-amp. It looks like my Schiit pile will have Maverick TubeMagic D1 Plus (with upgrades) connected to power amp as the base block. While Schiit will be dedicated to headphones.
  3. xpersona

    Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.

    Quote: Most of the time I don't need 100% quality from my audio but need comfort when adjusting volume. Besides, I'm not sure I can hear the difference if I use the system volume control (not the volume control in iTunes or other media players which are maxed just in case).   My...
  4. xpersona

    Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.

    I finally received my Bifrost/Lyr combo.   I connected Bifrost via USB to my Mac OS X. As a result my system volume has become maxed out and only mute function is available.   How can I get back the volume control to the computer keyboard? One of the reasons I preferred USB over optical...
  5. xpersona

    Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.

    Quote: Thank you for support!  I'm a bit sad about USB gen 2: as Mac OS X limits optical out to 96khz, I'm planning to use USB link.
  6. xpersona

    Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.

    These updates are usually introduced 10 days after you ordered your device. :( So the device I will receive is already outdated. :)
  7. xpersona

    Schiit DACs (Bifrost and Gungnir down, one to go)? The information and anticipation thread.

    Quote: Have you tried to play with bit/khz in driver settings? Finding 'native' combination may help solve the audio pop/click problem.
  8. xpersona

    Schiit Lyr - The tube rolling thread

    Thanks for your reply!   Will I hear ambient noise on Lyr? The thing I like a lot about D1 is that regardless of how high the set volume is the background is silent.
  9. xpersona

    Schiit Lyr - The tube rolling thread

    Here goes the question I should have asked earlier...   I ordered Bifrost/Lyr combination from Schiit a few days ago.   I also ordered 6BZ7, 6N1P and E88CC tubes from Schiit as well as matched British Mullards CV2492 (year 1966) on eBay.   Will there be a noticeable improvement...