Recent content by XenLS86k
  1. XenLS86k

    The ATH-AD900 Thread

    Which in this case would mean me replacing or disabling the x-fi with an external dac, or m-audio/emu/Asus Sonar card. Not many threads around with ad900 owners searching for comparable musical sources to use on their pc ^^ Makes me wish sandisk and cowon had adapters for their pmp's to turn...
  2. XenLS86k

    The ATH-AD900 Thread

    Well the annoyance comes from back 2+ years ago, back when i had a hd-497 on my head, when it came time to upgrade from that i mainly had the HD280 or the 555 as my choices. I Chose the 555 since i began hearing things that the other two hid away in the background via a sb live and Audiogy 1...
  3. XenLS86k

    The ATH-AD900 Thread

    The longer i listen to them, the more i realize my x-fi just simply hates my ad900. Listening to them on my express, or mother's fuzeV1 is completely different experience. While through my pc they sound overly bright at times during places in music i never heard before thru my older 555's, and...
  4. XenLS86k

    The ATH-AD900 Thread

    i was also suprised at the size of the each ear pad area, but so far my ears don't mind the feel of them. lucky me i guess... Still if there is any drawback to the AD900 is that i now understand what "compression artifacts" are, and how bad they sound. Yes this is for some a good thing, and...
  5. XenLS86k

    AKG Shameless Marketing

    Hmm AKG courts Kyo-Ani in order to improve sales in Japan, how devious. i hope this doesn't mean Haruhi is going to get a K702 recolored in red with a black SOS-Dan label on one side next. When she clearly deserves a Red and black HD-800 with Kyon lugging a some over sized tube amp next to her...
  6. XenLS86k

    The ATH-AD900 Thread

    After getting these new just a few hours ago in the mail, i thought i should reread most of the ad900 threads. So far i already like the sound even though i have no clue what it will sound like in.. 95 or so hours. The Clarity is far above my older HD-555, and the instrument seperation is very...
  7. XenLS86k

    Getting skeptical: does "better" really exist?

    I'm sorry if i misread any post as a statement of the superiority of the hd280. But instead you simply meant that those tried only carried subtle improvements to your senses that did not warrant perhaps not even a 50% (?) increase in the street market price of your older headphone(s). Most of...
  8. XenLS86k

    ah the joy of choosing headphones,

    ah thank you ^^ yes the confusion is mostly due to things like when you see people who have had the HD600 and the 650. then argue about which one is better, and finally Aafter awhile throw in things like the superiority of the 650 is clearly seen with correct cabling... In contrast the...
  9. XenLS86k

    Getting skeptical: does "better" really exist?

    I'm quite curious of what the op finds is the strength of the HD280 that makes it sound to him far superior to any or all headphones he listed so far. Though i must ask why try the AKG K701 if most of the other headphones chosen were of a closed nature (DT770, D5000)?. I simply am confused...
  10. XenLS86k

    ah the joy of choosing headphones,

    A fun and entertaining experience.. Well not really when one comes to the reality of this Head-fi journey requiring you to look thru dozens of threads, manufacturer info pages full of non-interesting PR nonsense, and pages of spirited discussion over if or not if a device actually is effected...