Recent content by WSLam
  1. WSLam

    ER4P, 4S and 6i brief report

    I dont think I have concluded I prefer the 4P over the 4S. If i am sitting still and I am sure there's no external noise whatsoever, I think 4S is the choice. 4S definitely sounds flatter and more 'unprocessed', but I dont think the tonal balance is quite right. 6i fuller then the 4P? if that...
  2. WSLam

    ER4P, 4S and 6i brief report

    oh, i also much prefer the foam tips then the white flanged rubber eartips. more comfortable to wear, more isolation, and sound much more laid back and less 'upfront'. the earphones (all models) imo actually sound much more 'musical' with the foam tips. i wonder why they dont make the foam tips...
  3. WSLam

    ER4P, 4S and 6i brief report

    I originally purchased two pairs of ER6i for my gf and myself for use using our iPOD and other portable audio devices. When I first tried the 6i on, the balance didn't sound right. I later figured that I need to really stick them 'in' to get the proper balance. They sounded ok, a tad thin and...
  4. WSLam

    Where to buy Qualia 010

    Thank you!
  5. WSLam

    Where to buy Qualia 010

    I live in hong kong. Very interested in getting myself a 'Christmas Present'. Does anyone know where I could get the Qualia 010 in HK or from a reliable mail order website? ws
  6. WSLam

    Which ER4?

    That's bad news! So much for all that isolation hype. if it picks up so much sound, kinda defeats the purpose! Why are they so microphonic?
  7. WSLam

    Which ER4?

    The 6i sound a little lean and sterile to my ears. and they pick up so much sound (microphonic).
  8. WSLam

    Which ER4?

    Thank you so much for all the responses. Before doobooloo's post, the E4P seems to be the clear choice, but now I am not so sure if compromising tonality is the way to go to get some boost in bass. I have only heard the 'lowly' E6i before. How would those 4P and 4R compare?
  9. WSLam

    Which ER4?

    I am trying to decide between the ER4s and ER4p. I have a very proper headphone setup (Linn CD12 -> RudiStor 5cvi -> HD650), and am looking for a pair that is more portable. Problem is, since it's portable, I may no necessarily be using it with the headphone amp. So the portable is primarily...
  10. WSLam

    Computer as 'source'

    Can't believe you spotted that! =) Thanks. I will follow up on AA.
  11. WSLam

    Computer as 'source'

    As this is the title of this particular forum, I really want to ask the following. I do not use the computer's sound card as a DAC, I hook it up to an external DAC, so all I need the computer to do is the SPIDF out. Now, are there differences between say the motherboard's SPIDF out? or the...
  12. WSLam

    Sound card just for Digital Out

    I am building a silent PC and will be using my Audio Note DAC5 Signature as DAC. I just need a good digital signal, don't mind the internal DAC capability. But I read that even for digital out, sound cards performance vary. Can someone recommend me a sound card with good digital out? AES or RCA...
  13. WSLam

    RP5cav has arrived!

    Give me a week or so, and I will post my impression and some photos. Won't let you guys down! =)
  14. WSLam

    RP5cav has arrived!

    Thanks for everyone who responded to my post a little while ago, I decided to get the Rudi Stor RP5cav. It just arrived two days ago. I only have an old headphone to try right now, but my HD650 will be arriving soon. The RP5cav is very well built (despite a scratch in the back plate), and Rudi...
  15. WSLam

    Which headamp sounds like Audio Research?

    davebot, why not a hybrid? i actually have a all solid state setup for my home audio, but for headphone amps, i decided that it's 'safer' for my ears to add a tube somewhere along the signal path. audio research actually sounds quite 'steril'e to my ears. look at the rudistor line. they have a...