Recent content by wj888
  1. wj888

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Quote: So what they said might be true.... there are a lot of paid promoters of products everywhere now. Amazon was guilty of paying some reviewers .. Seems like everyone is using word-of-mouth marketing nowadays.
  2. wj888

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Wow.. no one is interested in picking it up from me at usd$350?
  3. wj888

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    If you guys are interested, i can try ot see whether i can get X1 for you guys inclusive of delivery at USD$350 from singapore. PM me.. but I will need to check whether the retailer have discovered he mispriced the product!   Of course, payment thru paypal could be done.. but i...
  4. wj888

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Quote: We expect the higher the price, the more listening pleasure you get from the phones. But there could always be exception. CAL is one of them :)   Well, I wouldn't use X1 for gaming, the soundstage is not that wide (compared to AKG Q701). The X1 has an immersive soundstage like I...
  5. wj888

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    Quote: However, you need to consider this if you are interested in re-creating the ambience sound of a home theater system or that of a cinema. Mainly the deep flabby bass that subwoofer pumps out in volume. The noise from the environment that seeps in partially like in a cinema. You are in...
  6. wj888

    [New] Philips Fidelio X1

    I'm so excited! I just got the X1 in Singapore for sgd$329. But the strange thing is ... M1 and L1 are priced at sgd$430-490... GO FIGURE!!! ..LOL... CATCH Of the Year for me!     Build quality : EXCELLENT. Comparable to HE-400. Sound Quality : Very heavy Bass... More than HE-400...
  7. wj888

    Open Announcement on the HiFiMAN HE-400

    Quote: Ya.. I guess the inconvenience is deterring me .. I would much prefer they delivered the replacement via fedex and i returned the faulty pair to fedex same day.  Anyhow, maybe i'll asked fedex to pick up the parcel since they are reimbursing and money is no issue.. hehe...
  8. wj888

    Open Announcement on the HiFiMAN HE-400

    I'm in two minds whether to return. 'coz it is not really a bugbear to me as the treble spike does not happen often for me.  I've been playing games and listening to music and watching bloomberg for the past 3 days (almost 12 hrs daily) with it and I have only noticed at most 3 spikes. Very...
  9. wj888

    Open Announcement on the HiFiMAN HE-400

    Quote:       What a bummer. Dr Fang, could you see whether you could arrange to Fedex the replacement to me and I give the defective product to the Fedex guy in return.  It saves us the trouble.   I'm peeved especially when my product was shipped out on 6th October Hongkong...
  10. wj888

    Open Announcement on the HiFiMAN HE-400

    Quote: Just a suggestion for those outside US (me included)>   Will it be good for hifiman to use Fedex to send us our replacement headphones and at the same time returned the faulty headphones to the same Fedex guy. It would be good for us to have a headphone to listen to till the...
  11. wj888

    Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!

    I got my fostex T50 modded by MayflowerElectronics. Anyway, I found it comfortable but could still be improved and I did this.. lol..   1) Put the stock pads on top of the Shure840 pads 2) Stuff a thin sponge shaped like a crescent onto the earpads to give it a lift ala Sennheiser HD518...
  12. wj888

    Reply to review by 'wj888' on item 'HiFiMAN HE-400'

    How does HE-400 compared to a Fostex Modded?
  13. wj888

    Audinst HUD-mini (final review and pics added 9-27-12)

    Quote: If you are purely working off a desktop and have a seperate amp to drive any power-hungry headphones you have, I think the HUD-Mini is good. E17 is great if you need portability as you can match it with any devices.   For resale, I would think the E17 will move faster than the...
  14. wj888

    Mad Lust Envy's Headphone Gaming Guide: (8/18/2022: iFi GO Blu Review Added)

    Maybe you can try a Fostex T50RP modded and see how it compares against the HE-400?? :) I'm waiting for mine to arrive.
  15. wj888

    better headphones than creative aurvana live?

    Thanks postrock. After listening to Denon D400 and D600, I am just enamoured by the sound of them especially the D600 (VERY VERY natural sounding with good bass).   i think I better saved up for that one. I've discovered it's easy to buy a headphone but it's harder to sell them.  :) So, I...