Recent content by Wizard77
  1. Wizard77

    Which sport produces the best athletes? (nougat)

    Quote: I meant with respect to fighting -- they (boxers) cannot kick, knee, or otherwise hit below the belt. stuartr my friend...surely you jest! Step into the ring with Mr. Tyson and be prepared to defend yourself against ear biting, rape or what ever else he can dream up for you...
  2. Wizard77

    Which sport produces the best athletes? (nougat)

    Quote: As for boxing, it is a sport. It is not nearly as effective a system of fighting as most designed for that purpose. See things like the Ultimate Fighting Championship. They invariably lose to someone half their size who is practicing some sort of grappling fighting style. I...
  3. Wizard77

    "....under God..." in the Pledge of Allegiance

    After hearing about this issue on NPR on my ride home, I was inclined to agree with the dissenting judge. He was the only dissenting opinion and his reasoning was that the issue was de minimus (don't know if my Latin is right). It basically means he felt the whole issue was of minimal importance...
  4. Wizard77

    Which sport produces the best athletes? (nougat)

    Quote: In an alley bout between the average hockey goon and the average boxer in his weight class, I would give it to the goon, if only because he fights dirtier and is used to bare fisted fighting. Ha back! You obviously have never boxed. An average boxer would destroy the best...
  5. Wizard77

    Which sport produces the best athletes? (nougat)

    Quote: It really depends on how you define "best athletes." Good point. I think the best athlete can be determined by how well that athlete would do at other sports. After all, isn't that what being a great athlete means -- to be able to be good at many different sports? I can't...
  6. Wizard77

    Which sport produces the best athletes? (nougat)

    I remember a Sports Illustrated (I think) article about this from the '70s (I think). Boxing was rated number one because it included all of the elements of athletic skill in abundance. As I recall, boxing requires: conditioning strength balance endurance toughness power eye-hand...
  7. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    Per my original a general rule, if you could only make one choice, what do you think matches well together best: $700 amp and $1,300 source or $1,000 amp and $1,000 source or $1,300 amp and $700 source? I'm just trying to get a feel for this. For example, when I first started...
  8. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    Quote: But before all else, I think you should concentrate on getting the best possible source you can. What do you consider the best possible source (given my budget)?
  9. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    Quote: Wizard77, here is a review of the MOH vs the Sugden. I have read this thread. I was impressed with the positive comments on the Sugden. But, I leaned towards the MOH (and still do) because of the service, 30 day return...
  10. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    Quote: I would consider the Sugden (BTW, the new model does have a remote) over the Headroom and save about $1K and consider cheaper interconnects. msjjr: Why do you make this recommendation? Do you think the Sugden is simply better than the MOH? Have you compared both? Or is it a...
  11. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    Quote: Since the Headroom MOH can accept an aftermarket cable, I can't reco enough the VD Power 3 Cryo. Consider it under consideration. Quote: Wizard77, i can hep you avoid the hassle of burn-in by having you ship the equipment to my addy and having me do it for you...
  12. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    Quote: The HD 600 with the Equinox cable should be the headset of choice for doubt about that. I did spend some time in the cable thread. I see that the Equinox is very well regarded. But, it's $50 more than the Cardas and doesn't seem to be offered by HR. I don't absolutely...
  13. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    Thanks for all the great suggestions so far. Quote: I'll let others reco cables (ICs) in your price range, but I do want to flog a $75 upgrade that you can add to your MOH that will blow you away. Please see this over-long thread for details (and remeber that I was a skeptic, too)...
  14. Wizard77

    Please help this Newbie shop!

    I recently won US$3,000 in a contest and need some serious help shopping. I finally have the money to get good equipment and want to do it right. Unfortunately, I'm a clueless Newbie. I've read thousands of posts here to educate myself. But, I still have questions. Please help me. I hope I'm...