Recent content by whiteSanjuro
  1. whiteSanjuro

    foobar or itunes ??

    Quote: Originally Posted by DukeTogo whiteSanjuro I thought the trick was to turn on Crossfeed Playback in iTunes and just set the period to 0s. I realize that might not be "true" gapless, but I'd be interested to know in what way it is different (in a practical sense). the...
  2. whiteSanjuro

    foobar or itunes ??

    depending on your music collection, gapless playback can be anywhere from meaningless to essential. for me, it is the #2 requirement (#1 being ogg and flac support). no version of iTunes supports genuine gapless playback in any format, unlike foobar which supports gapless playback as perfectly...
  3. whiteSanjuro

    dmc xclef 500

    i have only managed to find 2 reviews here and here, but they do not mention gapless
  4. whiteSanjuro

    dmc xclef 500

    i was just surfing and found a new player with voribs support...the dmc xclef 500. it uses standard 2.5" hard drives and scales from 20-100GB. standard usb mass storage device, spdif optical line in recording, FM tuner & recording, built-in mic for recording, 20 hr battery life. Downsides are...
  5. whiteSanjuro

    is this truly impossible?

    Quote: Originally Posted by gratner Every manufacturer has defective units. the problem is that every product rio makes seems to be a defective unit
  6. whiteSanjuro

    is this truly impossible?

    Quote: Originally Posted by gratner It locked up 2 days after you bought it and you kept it? You deserve what you get then. everyone gets what they deserve ... plus your sig says you own a karma, so aren't you being a little harsh to your own DAP?
  7. whiteSanjuro

    is this truly impossible?

    i actually liked the karma's appearance and i have to say, not having a screen that is going to get scuffed in my bag or pocket is very appealing about the m3. the most common complaint i read about with the m3 is the screen not being on the player; i for one welcome our new remote-screen...
  8. whiteSanjuro

    is this truly impossible?

    hmmm, i was thinking of going with the 40GB w/ cradle from manufacturer direct because you also get a free 128MB flash player and for $100, i dont mind doubling storage .... but its not in stock, so its a tough call. thanks for the link though! i might go that way depending on how soon neuros...
  9. whiteSanjuro

    is this truly impossible?

    oh, screw it, im getting the iaudio m3...i just read this link and noted the FLAC support that now exists
  10. whiteSanjuro

    is this truly impossible?

    hmm, lots of good things to think about. i was unclear about the current status of the iriver gapless, which is part of why i posted this thanks for the info. i am going to try the m3 and see how it measures up. btw, fenwick, yes. my karma locked up on day 2 after i bought it, when i was...
  11. whiteSanjuro

    is this truly impossible?

    my karma died several weeks ago and since best buy refused to fix it or give me my money back, i am waiting for a gift card in the mail. i have, in the mean time, gotten a neuros audio II (floated on the cc) and am going to return it asap. i need advice about what DAP to get. i have heard many...
  12. whiteSanjuro

    Chicago Head-Fi Meet 07/31/04 Impressions (PLEASE POST HERE)

    this was my first meet and i had a great time. big props to bhd for the excellent planning and execution. good location and food too! now, onto the listening... i had a chance to try out a bunch of eagle drivers gear (thanks a lot!) and i definitely fell in love with the 7509s. i currently...
  13. whiteSanjuro

    Next milwaukee meet?

    hahaha you bet. we can talk about my impressions of msoe at the meet. as for the library that would be fine as long as there is sufficient table space. i was just barely able to snag some space on a table at the recent chicago meet, so making sure tables are available is key.
  14. whiteSanjuro

    Next milwaukee meet?

    yeah, i attend msoe, so i'd show up also.
  15. whiteSanjuro

    rio karma experience: stock mx300s vs shiny new er-6s

    Lil_JV: that is also my max for mx300s. my previous posts were referring to er-6s. i find that 18-20 is good for most material with mx300s. gorman: i would not think of you as a boring guy, but unless you have er-6s to compare to, i am not going to strongly take your advice in this area...the...