Recent content by whitelotus
  1. whitelotus

    First IEM for my ZuneHD 32!

    Just tried my RE0s with my laptop and the results are astonishing. I really can't believe what I am hearing. The base is so powerful, deep, fast and accurate. Highs are even better now. I think Zune or any really portable device, does not have the power to drive the RE0s. These monsters...
  2. whitelotus

    [REVIEW] Head-Direct RE0 - a new contender for the best IEM

    Quote: Originally Posted by max pl Personally I dont notice the difference between the RE0s and stock Zune headphones. Well, I had exactly the same feeling. I was expecting too much of a difference between the Zune earphones and the RE0s. I have burned my RE0s for...
  3. whitelotus

    First IEM for my ZuneHD 32!

    My initial review of RE0s. Burn in = around 30 hrs. When I first tried these earphones, I thought what a waste of money, immediately thought of sending them back. I was expecting a day-night difference between between my zuneHD earphones and RE0s. But within couple of hours of...
  4. whitelotus

    First IEM for my ZuneHD 32!

    Ordered RE0s! Will post my initial review as soon as I get the package.. Thanks a lot guys...
  5. whitelotus

    First IEM for my ZuneHD 32!

    I have read that thread...but still I am not clear. Can anyone please compare soundstage of RE0s and Turbines?
  6. whitelotus

    First IEM for my ZuneHD 32!

    Quote: Originally Posted by ljokerl On that scale *which is not an all-encompassing scale - I set the RE0 at 5 for convenience*, the Turbine originals would be a 13-14 in bass quantity. But again, that doesn't mean I find them overly bassy. I hope Turbine's bass does not get into...
  7. whitelotus

    First IEM for my ZuneHD 32!

    Quote: If the bass quantity of the RE0 is a 5, the ZPB v2 are at a 7-8. Now thats a bummer! I was definitely expecting a bit more bass from the RE0. I really cannot afford more than $200, so weston's are out of my budget anyways.. How about the Monster Turbine's? I initially...
  8. whitelotus

    First IEM for my ZuneHD 32!

    Hello! I am planning to buy my first ever hi-fi IEM and I really need your suggestions guys! Budget- 100-150, can stretch upto 200(max) if the IEMs are really really good Type of music I hear: Pretty much everything, mostly Rock,Hip-hop,R&B,Dance etc.. What I am expecting from my...