Recent content by westrella
  1. westrella

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    It's been a while since I last posted, but I wanted to say how much I love my PFEs. I'm not a huge IEM fan, but these are surprisingly comfortable, & with the E5 & the grey filters, they provide the perfect amount of bass for tuning out the world while in the gym. I'm also using the Shure...
  2. westrella

    Phonak Audeo (PFE) Thread

    I absolutely friggin love the PFEs! I mentioned in another thread that I had the UE SF5 Pros, but they were never comfortable to me. I guess that's what made me swear off IEMs. But I received my PFEs yesterday, & they fit very well. They make me want to reconsider IEMs. While I do like the...
  3. westrella

    Anyone still usin' UE Super.Fi 5 Pros?

    I have a black set of SF5Ps, but they're sitting in a drawer gathering dust. They were my first upgrade from ibuds. Although I liked the sound, color, & wire design, they were never that comfortable to me. I probably used them for less than 20 hours total. I ordered a set of Comply foams to see...
  4. westrella

    A big thumbs up to Phonak!

    I just ordered the black set last week, & they're supposed to arrive today. I hope the issue has been corrected. While I hesitated to order them, reading about the quality of the customer service made me decide to pull the trigger. I'm crossing my fingers......
  5. westrella

    Headphones For The Gym

    I just ordered the PFEs to upgrade my gym rig. They're supposed to arrive today. I can't wait! While I don't necessarily like IEMs, using them in the gym doesn't bother me. My Sony set isn't really sealing as well as I want; they keep sliding out during treadmill intervals & other high impact...
  6. westrella

    hands up who uses the search button before posting

    I usually conduct searches to find my answers, which is why I don't have as many posts. I'm confident that with the number of members of this site, someone must have answered a question like mine before. (For example, before clicking on this thread, I was wondering whether the PFEs would be good...
  7. westrella

    Any head-fier from Philippines

    Cool. Thanks for the link! I'm eager to go, but I'm not looking forward to the flight.....
  8. westrella

    Any head-fier from Philippines

    Hi. I'm Filipino, but I was born & raised in the US. Not great at speaking (or reading or writing) Tagalog, but I could always understand - especially when mom & dad were yelling at me! I have a question: are there any good audiophile stores in the Philippines (Manila specifically)? I'll be...
  9. westrella

    ATH-M50 vs. ATH-ESW9 (or ESW10JPN)

    I had a thread posted in the "Portable" forum. Maybe that was the wrong place. Here's an excerpt of my post: I recently bought the ATH-M50, a studio monitor. It suits me well - I like the sound, fit, & looks - but I've been reading many threads on the ESW9 (& ESW10JPN). I'm now curious...
  10. westrella

    The size of your driver - ATH-M50 v. ATH-ESW9

    Maybe this was the wrong subforum for this post.....
  11. westrella

    The size of your driver - ATH-M50 v. ATH-ESW9

    It's been a few days. Any insight? Anyone? .... Bueller?
  12. westrella

    The size of your driver - ATH-M50 v. ATH-ESW9

    Hello. First, I want to say that while this isn't my first post, I'm a relatively new member to Head-Fi, which is fantastic & has the potential to be a devastatingly expensive forum. It's fantastic because I've learned so much. I would probably have a few more posts, but many of my questions...
  13. westrella

    Yuin PK1-PK2 impressions thread

    I was home sick yesterday, & FedEx was kind enough to surprise me by dropping off my PK1s. I spent hours listening. Nothing like a hot cup of coffee & great tunes to make you feel better! They're great out of the box w/ my Clip & E5. I can't wait til I'm done burning them in. Geez... it...
  14. westrella

    Workout gears?

    JMO, but I would agree with dmashta on the UEs & ESW9s. They seem too nice to use for the gym. Here's what I use for the gym w/ my Clip: Sony MDR-AS50G Active Headphones Headphone reviews - CNET Reviews The design fits very securely around the back of my neck & ears & comes with a short...
  15. westrella

    Yuin PK1-PK2 impressions thread

    From what I've read in other threads, they're not discontinued. I ordered mine from Headroom along w/ some full-sized headphones.