Recent content by wadge
  1. wadge

    1964 Ears A12 & A10 - ADEL Equipped 12BA & 10BA Driver Custom - Anticipation and Appreciation Thread

    Thank you Ivabign.   I have also not received any acknowledgment other than the one from kickstarter. I was hoping 1964 would send an email by now.   I already own the 1964 Quads but I'm hoping that the A12s I signed up for with Adel technology will help me protect my ears from the four hour...
  2. wadge

    1964 Ears

    I thought about it but this purchase is already hard to justify financially with a new baby on the way. I really ought to keep my expenses at a minimum. When Anastasia contacted me to tell me that I needed a fresh set of impressions, I paid for them anyway so that I'd jump in the queue. Finger...
  3. wadge

    1964 Ears

    I have had to take a fresh set of impressions at the audiologist. Apparently the first pair were not long enough in that they did not extend to past the second bend in the ear. I'm hoping they will be good this time around. I have sent them today. I am not sure that it will be possible but I'm...
  4. wadge

    1964 Ears

    I've just put them out of my mind until 1964 contact me. My band is going through a bit of a shopping spree. So its a new mixer, amp and a couple of odds and ends. Hopefully they'll all come together, including my IEM and we'll have fun setting it all up and learning ti use the new gear. I'm...
  5. wadge

    1964 Ears

    And they're off. My ear impressions that is. They're on their way to 1964 so that they may make my quads. Except that Sandy has put an oar in and delivery will probably be delayed for up to two weeks or more since delivery is to be made at USPS in New York. I am probably looking at sometime...