Recent content by Vlado64
  1. Vlado64

    Vintage Stax repair and maintenance

    I found the way to put pictures (Copy/Paste) :)     The black sponge that was the headphones are turned to dust, so I replaced it with four layers of fabric mesh...   I asked how to clean green oxide on the mash of phones. So, Is it better to buy a new mesh but I am not...
  2. Vlado64

    Vintage Stax repair and maintenance

    Thank you guys. My salary is very small (I'm living in Croatia) and I thinking about your recommendation. Actually, all my Hi-Fi components, except one that is DIY project, are gift from friend. So, he donate the faulty devices that no one wants to repair. I repair this and on that way I have...
  3. Vlado64

    Vintage Stax repair and maintenance

    Hello, I'm new on forum. I hope that this is the real topic where I want to write this. So, a few years ago I got two pairs SR Lambda with Electrostatic Energizer SRD-7 normal bias. I got them defective and forgot about them until recently I haven't found out what actually I have. When I...