Recent content by Vincent Masamune
  1. Vincent Masamune

    PANDORA (open source console)

    Is the hardware design also open source?
  2. Vincent Masamune

    Any anime series that you've been enjoying?

    Toradora if you're seeking lighthearted fun and humor.
  3. Vincent Masamune

    Any FLAC portable media player?

    I agree with the aforementioned recommendation. I foolishly made the lamentable mistake of trading my iPod for something else. I should had known it was too good to give up.
  4. Vincent Masamune

    Is WAV worth it?

    This is very subjective. Everyone's perceptions are unique, and of course, their equipment are vastly various. Therefore, I suggest that you conduct your own ABX tests. The answer lies within you.
  5. Vincent Masamune

    Cowon S9 - Only the best - With Pictures and Videos!!

    Orgiastic design? Curvaceous? Heavenly sound? I think I just fell in love with the S9. Does the S stand for Sexy?
  6. Vincent Masamune

    8GB Silver Fuze for 60 shipped!

    How is the sound quality on the Fuze?
  7. Vincent Masamune

    Koss Portapro/KSC75 and Senn PX100 question

    I didn't hear much change after a 100 hour burn in with pink noise on my PortaPros. But what really changed my Portapros was the quarter mod.
  8. Vincent Masamune

    Best MP3 Player for Around $100??

    The best player that meets your criterion is definitely the Fuze. But apparently you haven't been able to find a good deal. Have you tried BHPhoto?
  9. Vincent Masamune

    Watch recommendation-- so overwhelmed don't know where to start

    I am not sure if this fits your criteria but consider a Renato. I don't own one, but they may be worth some of your time.
  10. Vincent Masamune

    best headphones for around $50

    It really comes down to your musical taste. What sound signature are you looking for? I haven't auditioned the headphones you named, but if you want a dark sound signature and a nice portable pair, I highly recommend the venerable Koss Portapros. You can easily find them below 50 dollars.