Music lover... one of the most important things to make live enjoyable.
Music, playing, listening, photography, good cuisine and wine...
Headphone Inventory
- PerfectSound In-Ears 201
- Ortofon e-Q5
- Fostex x Massdrop TH-X00 Purpleheart (yet to arrive, expected by September '16)
Headphone Amp Inventory
Portable DAP: Hifiman HM801
ADL Esprit DAC/ADC/preamp/headamp
No full-size amp yet.
Source Inventory
Phono: Funk Firm Vector 3 Turntable. DNM yota tonearm. Reson Etile MC Cartridge. Musical Surroundings Nova II phonostage.
DAC: Squeezebox touch with EDO into Resolution Audio MC 2.0 (and then, offtopic into a Resolution Audio C50 power amp and Rehdeko RK175 speakers)
Cable Inventory
Only DNM single core.
Other Audio Equipment
Some woodoo for power and more...
Music Preferences
Jazz, classic, whatever good music, as long as it is authentic.
My Piano, some Rolleiflex-cameras, bicicles and an MGF.