Recent content by unixdog
  1. unixdog

    Sony WH-1000XM4 BT Connectivity

    Hello, I just ordered a pair of Sony XM headphones. I’d like to be able to use these during the day for work, primarily zoom meetings, etc. (Put them on as needed to attend meetings) I’d also like to use them after hours to connect to my iPad for music, YouTube, etc. What Would be the best /...
  2. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    An Audeze rep returned my call regarding the missing wood oil.  Evidently there was a recent change in regards to how the wood is coated/sealed and the oil is no longer needed thus they don't include it.  Looking at mine, there's no way that the oil could penetrate the coating as it's very...
  3. unixdog

    Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread

    I couldn't agree more.  I just got my HA-1 and LCD3s yesterday and I've been listening at around 10-11 o'clock (high gain / balanced) and my hearing isn't all that great.  The syngergy is absolutely fantastic.  The neutral characteristics of the HA-1 complements the LCD-3 very well IMHO. 
  4. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Just got my LCD-3s and confirmed they are the Fazor revision.  Everything was sealed and looks great but I'm not seeing that wood cleaner bottle, wipes or the frequency response printout.  (I thought these items were supposed to be included)  Should I have received these items or does Audeze...
  5. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Thanks.  Is the S/N on the cans or the packaging?
  6. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

      Thanks!  I'm really looking forward to getting them!
  7. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Thank you.  So basically just rub your fingers across the mesh within the cups and feel for the ridges?
  8. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Hello, I have a pair of LCD-3s arriving today.  Although I was informed that they are the fazor revision, is there a way for me to confirm that when they arrive? (is it marked anywhere, is there a visual difference, do I need to physically feel for the fazor within the cups, etc.)  Thanks!
  9. unixdog

    Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread

    Thanks.  I wasn't sure if using a 3.0 cable would have any detrimental effects on the audio being that the amp is spec'd at 2.0.
  10. unixdog

    Oppo HA-1 Impressions Thread

    I have an HA-1 arriving tomorrow and I noticed that the USB specs are 2.0.  Can I purchase a USB 3.0 cable or does it have to specify 2.0? I'm assuming the 3.0 cables would be backwards compatible but I want to make sure.  I was looking for a 3-foot cable and our local Best Buy only had the...
  11. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Thank you.  After reading a review on Inner Fidelity for the HA-1, (reviewed using LCD-3s) I think I'm definitely leaning towards the OPPO.
  12. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Thank you!  I've narrowed it down to either the OPPO HA-1 or the new Conductor Virtuso.  There's about an $800 difference so I'd like to make sure that the extra money is worth it.  I was completely sold on the OPPO but I'm now having second thoughts about pariring it up with the LCD-3s and...
  13. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Thank you for the education.  I'm still somewhat new to this so please excuse my ignorance. :-)   I'm also open to the Burson Conductor / Conductor "Virtuoso" if anyone has any insight to these pairings.  I'd like to keep it solid state and preferably an amp/dac combined solution.  I may be...
  14. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Thank you for the quick response.  Yes, I would plan on using the balanced cable based on the OPPO specs that I reviewed.   I'm just wondering if it has enough power being that you need to run the volume knob between 12 and 3 on high gain.  I'm just a newbie so I'm not sure if that's typical...
  15. unixdog

    Audeze LCD-3 Impressions Thread

    Hello, I'm thinking about purchasing the LCD-3s this coming week and had planned on also grabbing the OPPO HA-1 amp/dac. Is the OPPO HA-1 a suitable amp for these cans?  Is it capable of driving the LCD-3s to their full potential?  Is anyone using this combination that can speak to the SQ...