Recent content by um2802
  1. um2802

    Need advice...

    I have this situation : - headphones : Sen HD 595 - source : pc / optical out / flac + ape I have to choose from : - iBasso D10 Cobra - Beresford TC-7520 - Meier Corda Aria - second hand / very good condition The budget is around 270 - 285 $. What i choose ? Thank you
  2. um2802

    Hotrodding the X-Fi: A Layman's Guide (No 56k)

    OK , but this model of XFi had 4 IC with 5 jack's ( see pic ). The XFi normal ( on PCI ) had 3 IC for front / cent+ sub / surround and 1 IC for mic input ( and 4 jack's ). At this model ( PCI-E ) who is who ?
  3. um2802

    Hotrodding the X-Fi: A Layman's Guide (No 56k)

    All that 3 op-amp are compatible pin to pin with IC from Xfi board ? And for that model of XFi what IC is for what ? ( front / rear / cen + sub / side )
  4. um2802

    Hotrodding the X-Fi: A Layman's Guide (No 56k)

    Which one ? What pick from AD 8599 or AD 8066 or LM 4562 ? The caps - what type and brand ? THX
  5. um2802

    Hotrodding the X-Fi: A Layman's Guide (No 56k)

    The subject : Xfi Titanium Fatality Professional PCI-Express. What can change on it ? Sugestion, advice, tips & tricks ..... Thank you.