Recent content by uber1337coder
  1. uber1337coder

    Best MP3 Portable Audio Source ?

    Title says it all. Im looking to get a MP3 player. I know best can be a bit subjective, so all im really worried about is the sound quality; Its so hard to find that kind of info in a comparison format on the net. And once i know which ones sound the best i can do my own research on battery...
  2. uber1337coder, anyone had any experiences with them ?

    Thanks to this board, ive decided to go with the HD555's. Searching around I've found to be the cheepest online store in Australia and they seemed nice and specialized. I had a few standardish questions I like to ask all online stores before ordering: I intend to pay...
  3. uber1337coder

    Advice please: HD555 vs HD595 for audigy 2 (computer sound card)

    Hello, i have been reading this forum alot the last week and, based on my budget im going for either the HD555 or HD595. They are going to be connected to my PC's Sound Blaster Audigy 2. First question: How much of a difference is there between the 2 ? In Australia the HD555 costs...