Recent content by Tzeentch
  1. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    Well it costed 789 dollars, and he rekommandert it, and It was the cheapest they had, I live in a small country, so it is limited on What I could buy. I Asker for Schiit, but they dont sell it.... What can I do?? ITS been reviewed and GOT good ratings from official reviewers. I tested the 800 on...
  2. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    Can someone help me ? I bought this with the 800S, as the emplyee recomended:   I will still need an amp to get it to work as it is only a DAC ? or is it both ? will this sufise ? Please help.
  3. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    But the sound even without an amp or dac, will still be better than mu pc 363d right ? It won't be as good as with an amp, but It will stil you know, play music and whatnot, even tho it will be low tier than with an amp/dac.... It will still function right ? 
  4. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser HD800 S Impressions Thread (read first post for summary)

    Can anyone here recommend an AMP/DAC for the 800S ? somewhere in the 400 dollars range.
  5. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    Hmm ty for a more open mided awnser. When It comes to Amp&dac, i will look around, as I know that the hdvd isnt necesarily the best choice.... I have invested in audio equipment, and have used astros for the last 4/5 years....... I am making a big investment, and really dontwant to use to much...
  6. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    Any one have some good amps for the 800S ?
  7. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    Well I will buy an amp next month, but cant afford both at the same time I will but the amp later on, that's what I mean...... i know that you need an amp, but will be stuck with the 800S without one for like a month..... I tested the regular 800 in a shop today, and how similar are they to...
  8. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    Well I will buy an amp next month, but cant afford both at the same time
  9. Tzeentch

    Sennheiser 800S AMP

    I was thinking on buying the Sennheiser 800S , but I do not won an amp or DAC, but planningon buying the Sennheiser HDVD800 later on. Is it worth it, or are there better ones that are either cheaper or better for the same price....