Recent content by tungs10
  1. tungs10

    Oppo HA-2 SE

    Anyone using the SE with a pair of IEM's? Reason for asking is that I have bought the HA-2 back in September. The first thing I got to notice was that perpetual noise when listening to music with my UE-11 at low levels. So does the SE perform better in that aspect? Would it be worth upgrading...
  2. tungs10

    The JH16 Pro: JH Audio Announces The JH Audio JH16 Pro Custom In-Ear Monitor

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jalo I have both the UE 10 and JH13. I have UE 10 for six years and JH13 sine July of last year. To me JH 13 has more body and is the one I am using now. UE 10 was very good until JH13 came about. JH13 is more life like, more personal, musical and and less...
  3. tungs10

    JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread

    I should rather ask Jerry harvey... Btw his carbon case looks like the Oakley sunglasses cases made of the same material.
  4. tungs10

    JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread

    How about getting a discount on JH's customs when you sent them your UE customs?
  5. tungs10

    Jerry Harvey is back!

    Does anyone know whethe the JH customs are also customizable with a personal artwork or colors?
  6. tungs10

    First UE11 Impressions

    As I didn't buy directly from UE I didn't receive a t-shirt. However, my dealer added some cleaning and drying utilities for free.
  7. tungs10

    rsa mustang or corda 3move

    That is exactly what I'm wondering about for a couple of weeks.
  8. tungs10


    Just received my UE-11 today. AWESOME! Two pics:
  9. tungs10

    Emmeline, P-51, The Mustang...

    Thank you for the reply to my LOD question. Well, I didn't pre-order. I justwant to order the mustang. How to? Via Rsa website or requesting one in this thread?
  10. tungs10

    Emmeline, P-51, The Mustang...

    So how can I order one? Via RSA website or posting my request in here? Of course I do know that the discount time is over... One further question: Ray mentioned that the LOD should be too stiff, am I right? So hoq about those from qables. Are they flexible enough?